Product articles

Six Things to Monitor with PostgreSQL

This article describes six performance metrics that ought to be central to your PostgreSQL monitoring strategy. By using a tool like Redgate Monitor to track these metrics over time, and establish baselines for them, you'll be able to spot resource pressure or performance issues immediately, quickly diagnose the cause, and prevent them becoming problems that affect users. Read more

Searching Flyway Migration Files using Grep and Regex

This article demonstrates a cross-RDBMS way of searching through a set of SQL migration files, in the right order, to get a narrative summary of what changes were made, or will be made, to one or more of the tables or routines within each migration file. Getting these summary reports, even from a set of SQL migrations, isn't difficult, but having a few examples makes it a lot quicker to get started. Read more

Pipelining Configuration Information Securely to Flyway

This article demonstrates two techniques for allowing Flyway to read extra configuration information from a secure location, possibly encrypted. The first technique pipes the contents of the config file to flyway via STDIN, and the second uses PowerShell splatting. This makes it much simpler to use Flyway to manage multiple development copies of a database using role-base security. Read more

Flyway and SSDT: Extracting a DACPAC from a Flyway-managed Database

When you are integrating Flyway into an existing SQL Server SSDT development, you don't necessarily have to change everything at once. The development team might continue to use the SSDT tools, but Flyway will soon take over the deployments. This means that any automated processes will need to be able to handle both DACPACs and Flyway migration scripts with equal grace. In this article, I'll demonstrate how to automatically extract a versioned DACPAC from each new Flyway version of a database. Read more