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Our Company

Redgate offers end-to-end Database DevOps to help organizations streamline software development and get value from their data faster. We've specialized in database software for over 25 years.

Today, more than 200,000 people globally, including 92% of the Fortune 100, trust Redgate to deliver ingeniously simple software.

Our portfolio of solutions helps organizations reliably solve the complex challenges of database management across the DevOps lifecycle on any database, anywhere. We make life easier for IT leaders, development and operations teams, increasing efficiency, reducing errors and safeguarding business-critical data. Our industry-leading products including Redgate Flyway, Redgate Monitor and Redgate Test Data Manager help teams automate software delivery for faster development, improve productivity and ensure optimal performance, and improve release quality while staying compliant and reducing risk.

Some stats about Redgate

An illustration of a person


A birthday cake with a Redgate logo on top

25years young

An illustration of a globe with map pins in it


A rosette containing a database icon

92%of the Fortune 100 use our tools

A stylized laptop with a mouse cursor in the display

4mwebsite visitors per quarter

An arrow pointing up

683product releases last year

From finance to fitness - 92% of the Fortune 100 rely on Redgate

See how our customers are benefiting

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From the Redgate Blog

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