Posts Categorized in Software development

At Redgate, we’re fascinated by software development and how to do it smarter, better and more intelligently. How do we reduce the burden of legacy code and technical debt, for example? How do we use test-driven development to make the code as robust as possible. How do we apply UX principles and skills to make the complicated software we develop intuitive to use?


8 November 2019


8 November 2019

How Redgate can support you and your community

As I’m sure you’ve already heard, Redgate recently celebrated 20 years of making ingeniously simple software, but did you know that we’ve also been supporting the Microsoft Data Platform community since 1999? Over the last 20 years, we’ve helped thousands of data professionals across the globe develop their skills, improve their technical knowledge, and... Read more

Matt Hilbert

4 October 2019

Matt Hilbert

4 October 2019

Whatever happened to Azure Explorer?

Some time ago, Redgate created the free Microsoft Azure storage tool, Azure Explorer. It’s a neat solution that lets users manage all of their Azure blobs in one place, reliably upload and download them through its responsive UI, transfer them between storage accounts, and easily search and filter blobs. While it sat outside Redgate’s... Read more

Learning from the Accelerate “Four Key Metrics”

There’s been a lot of excitement about the book Accelerate, which summarizes research from the past several years of the State of DevOps Report from DORA (which Redgate sponsors). Perhaps the most popular topic is the “four measures of software delivery performance”, sometimes called “Accelerate metrics” or simply the “four key metrics”. We’ve started... Read more