Posts Categorized in Software development

At Redgate, we’re fascinated by software development and how to do it smarter, better and more intelligently. How do we reduce the burden of legacy code and technical debt, for example? How do we use test-driven development to make the code as robust as possible. How do we apply UX principles and skills to make the complicated software we develop intuitive to use?

Geoff Bones

19 March 2014

Geoff Bones

19 March 2014

Code kata 4: Word ladder

Naming things can be very hard, yet a well-chosen name can really help a reader understand how your code works. This code kata is an old favorite, one that we’ve done before, but this time we’ve added an emphasis on naming things well. The kata A word ladder is a sequence of words (each... Read more

Marine Barbaroux

29 November 2013

Marine Barbaroux

29 November 2013

An alternative way to do customer interviews: the revelation of the JTBD framework

I recently discovered the JTBD framework at Business of Software: what I learnt made me swear that I’ll use it from now on in every customer interview I need to do in order to understand their underlying needs and support our product pipeline. It is that brilliant. It’s like a targeted, systematic guided interview... Read more

Mark Jordan

19 September 2013

Mark Jordan

19 September 2013


Writing HTML can be a chore – making sure elements are closed properly can be annoying without proper IDE support, and CSS markup often requires repeated patterns of nested divs and spans in order to get the layout working properly. There are various templating languages and engines available for dealing with this problem. Probably... Read more