Posts Categorized in Software development

At Redgate, we’re fascinated by software development and how to do it smarter, better and more intelligently. How do we reduce the burden of legacy code and technical debt, for example? How do we use test-driven development to make the code as robust as possible. How do we apply UX principles and skills to make the complicated software we develop intuitive to use?

Enter Prompt+ EAP: your AI-powered database development partner in the making

After many cups of coffee and takeaway pizzas, something changed in the world of SQL Prompt in November 2023. For the first time in SQL Prompt’s history, our engineering team at Redgate brought AI to its breadth of capabilities and called it Prompt+. Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language... Read more

Matthew Chappelow

17 February 2022

Matthew Chappelow

17 February 2022

SQL Monitor’s new Current Activity page

We recently released a minor version of SQL Monitor, v12.1, that includes Tagging and a new ‘Current Activity’ page. This blog post will outline the latter feature. What is the new Current Activity page? SQL Monitor provides a lot of information on individual servers collected through our samplers which run periodically. That information is... Read more

Healthcare IT responds to pandemic with increased focus on database monitoring and the cloud

Every year, Redgate’s State of Database Monitoring Report reveals how businesses and organizations are monitoring their database estates. Are they using in-house or third-party monitoring tools? Who has access to the data? What are their biggest challenges? The thousands of responses to the survey behind the report offer the answers, and also provide an... Read more