Ulrike Hack

8 May 2023

Ulrike Hack

8 May 2023

Do you really know what’s happening with your server estate?

Managing an IT team is a tough job. While demands on services are increasing, both internally and externally, the need to be aware of and in control of application and server performance is a constant pressure. Right now, there are four key areas that are of particular concern for those responsible for IT departments... Read more

Tony Davis

25 April 2023

Tony Davis

25 April 2023

7 ways businesses can improve the quality and speed of database releases

The quality of database releases relies on thorough initial testing in development with teams needing access to fast, reliable data. While database testing is one of the most challenging aspects of development, processes which utilize database clones can overcome these issues. A database clone is a complete and fully functioning copy of a database... Read more

Louise Domeisen

13 April 2023

Louise Domeisen

13 April 2023

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #3: The impact of technical debt

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing... Read more

Redgate opens the doors to cross-database DevOps Test Data Management

A constant challenge for many development teams is how to include test data management in the development process. Testing with consistent, realistic and compliant datasets, and bringing the database into CI and DevOps pipelines, has been shown to catch data-related issues long before they reach customers. The result: an increase in efficiency, a reduction... Read more

Louise Domeisen

6 April 2023

Louise Domeisen

6 April 2023

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #2: The challenges in insurance

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing... Read more

What is PostgreSQL, and why do businesses need to know more about it?

For the last five years and more, there’s been an elephant in the room when it comes to the way businesses and organizations collect, manage, store and analyze data: PostgreSQL. An open source relational database that offers the kind of enterprise advantages that have already attracted businesses like Netflix, Instagram and Spotify according to... Read more

Louise Domeisen

17 March 2023

Louise Domeisen

17 March 2023

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #1: The role of governance

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing... Read more

Matt Hilbert

23 February 2023

Matt Hilbert

23 February 2023

5 things to look for in a third-party monitoring tool

Update, 28 February 2024: A new edition of this article can be found here.  A key finding from Redgate’s last State of Database Monitoring Survey of over 2,500 IT professionals was that 79% of respondents reported using either a third-party or in-house monitoring tool. It’s notable because it was an increase of 10 percentage... Read more

What are the biggest challenges organizations face in their digital transformation efforts?

As part of a recent Redgate Summit which focused on digital transformation and data modernization, I was fortunate enough to be able to interview Pramod Sadalage, a Director at Thoughtworks. There, and I’m quoting here, he enjoys the rare role of bridging the divide between database professionals and application developers. He’s usually sent in... Read more