Posts Tagged with Test Data Management
If you’re a developer, you may well be familiar with the scenario. You’re writing code and you want to test your changes against a copy of the production database. One that’s representative of the size and distribution characteristics and retains referential integrity so that, when your changes are released, they won’t result in a... Read more
Data, and the way enterprises use data in areas like development and testing, has not traditionally been a focus for business leaders but that’s now changing. Data is more varied and complicated than ever before, for example, with enterprises using two or more different database platforms – and 40% using four or more. It’s... Read more
DevOps is now the norm for virtually every IT team in every sector. By integrating and automating software development processes, it removes laborious, manual tasks and enables teams to deliver value to end users faster and more efficiently. While often associated with application development, it’s the same for database development with Redgate’s 2024 State... Read more
The role of effective Test Data Management (TDM) is often underestimated in the software development process, yet it is a cornerstone for ensuring quality, compliance, and efficiency throughout the software development life cycle. As Bloor say in their Test Data Management Market Update 2024, “… many enterprises are, to quote one vendor we spoke... Read more
You may have heard of test data management (TDM). It’s part of the software delivery process – some would say a crucial part, involving the creation, management, and maintenance of environments for software development and testing. By provisioning fresh, production-like data, it allows developers to test their proposed changes early, thoroughly, and repeatedly with... Read more
We recently sat down with James Phillips, Senior IT Leader, to talk about test data management (TDM) and the growing attention it’s getting from the C-suite. It’s been prompted by the recognition that provisioning test and development environments with realistic production-like data improves the quality of code being developed, reduces errors, and deliver new... Read more
In a world of too many acronyms and initialisms, we’re here to talk about one more – TDM, aka DevOps test data management. What is DevOps Test Data Management? Like a cliché best-person wedding speech, let’s start with a definition. Gartner says test data management is ‘the process of providing DevOps teams with data... Read more
In an era marked by the convergence of Big Data, hybrid cloud use, and the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, organisations across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region find themselves at a critical juncture. The ability to collect, manage, and leverage data effectively is now a determining factor for competitive advantage – and will... Read more
As data grows and databases become larger and more complicated, data subsetting provides a method of working with a smaller, lighter copy of a database to make development and testing faster and easier. But what exactly is it, how and why are developers using it – or not using it, and what’s prompting conversations... Read more
Most applications have large and complex databases at the back end, making it hard for developers to adequately test their work before it goes out. Having a fast, repeatable process to deliver data on demand is an essential part of an effective software development lifecycle, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction. In this article,... Read more