Posts Categorized in Flyway


19 October 2021


19 October 2021

Announcing Flyway v8.0

The Flyway team are proud to announce the latest update to Flyway, the world’s most popular migrations framework for database deployments. Flyway v8.0 introduces three main areas of improvement, alongside bug fixes and breaking changes. Cloud Capabilities With the latest update we’re bringing the benefits of Flyway migrations into cloud native environments, such as... Read more

Matthew Flatt

19 August 2021

Matthew Flatt

19 August 2021

How Spawn is revolutionizing development for the unit testing framework, tSQLt 

IT consultancy,, specializes in helping organizations get the best performance and business value from their SQL Server estates through Data Platform DevOps. The founder, Sebastian Meine, is also one of the co-creators of tSQLt, the only open source unit testing framework to enable true continuous integration and continuous delivery for SQL Server. We... Read more

Ajay Ahir

6 May 2021

Ajay Ahir

6 May 2021

Integrating Vault to secure Flyway parameters

Until now the only way to configure Flyway has been through plaintext configuration parameters such as in a Flyway configuration file, through the command-line or by setting environment variables. As your organizations and enterprises grow and more people interact with your processes you’ll inevitably want a way to secure as much information as possible,... Read more

Ajay Ahir

21 April 2021

Ajay Ahir

21 April 2021

Customize validation rules with ignoreMigrationPatterns

Flyway can validate your migrations according to its own conventions, giving you the confidence you need to apply new migrations. However, as the lifetime of a project increases, there will inevitably be hotfixes, deleted migrations and other changes that break the conventions of Flyway’s validation. In these cases you need a way to tell... Read more

Chris Heppell

19 April 2021

Chris Heppell

19 April 2021

Why you should be testing Flyway migrations in CI

“It worked on my machine“. You’ve likely either heard this from a colleague or thought this yourself when a Flyway migration failed during a production deployment. The fact is that unfortunately, bad migrations slip through to the release process despite our best efforts. Thankfully, there are solutions to this – testing your Flyway migrations... Read more

Jonathan Roberts

16 December 2020

Jonathan Roberts

16 December 2020

What’s next for Flyway

18 months ago, Flyway was acquired by Redgate. It’s been quite a ride since then and we thought we’d end 2020 with an update on what’s been happening with the world’s most popular open source migrations framework for database deployments. We’ve learned a lot, and I wanted to share that with you in this... Read more

Ajay Ahir

2 December 2020

Ajay Ahir

2 December 2020

Introducing the shouldExecute script configuration option

Have you ever wanted more customizable control over when your migrations are executed? In Flyway Teams Edition 7.3.0 we released the shouldExecute script configuration option which lets you achieve just that! What is the shouldExecute option? shouldExecute is a new script configuration option, and if you aren’t already familiar with this concept you can read about it here.... Read more