Posts Categorized in Flyway
There has been a lot of attention on Apache Log4J in the past week due to the discovery of the Log4Shell vulnerability. As Flyway allows utilization of Log4J we felt we should address this vulnerability and reassure our users. What is Log4Shell? It has recently been discovered that there is a high severity vulnerability... Read more
Our v1 of the service is available now, and available for you to try. This initial version spins up an empty database and runs integrity checks. Later releases will enable the hosting of real clones of your near-production database. We’re not only trying to make automating migration testing as simple as possible, but by... Read more
The Flyway team are proud to announce the latest update to Flyway, the world’s most popular migrations framework for database deployments. Flyway v8.0 introduces three main areas of improvement, alongside bug fixes and breaking changes. Cloud Capabilities With the latest update we’re bringing the benefits of Flyway migrations into cloud native environments, such as... Read more
IT consultancy,, specializes in helping organizations get the best performance and business value from their SQL Server estates through Data Platform DevOps. The founder, Sebastian Meine, is also one of the co-creators of tSQLt, the only open source unit testing framework to enable true continuous integration and continuous delivery for SQL Server. We... Read more
Imagine a world without the open source database migrations tool, Flyway. Migration scripts being run in the wrong order, changes getting overwritten, having to dump hours of work because you started with an out-of-date version. Flyway is so popular today because it sorts out the issue of database migrations in such a simple and... Read more
Often when working with Flyway (and release automation in general) you will have a set of deployables – and a chain of environments these need to be delivered to in order. More often than not, these are along the lines of Dev Continuous Integration Staging Production In this quick tutorial we are going to... Read more
Until now the only way to configure Flyway has been through plaintext configuration parameters such as in a Flyway configuration file, through the command-line or by setting environment variables. As your organizations and enterprises grow and more people interact with your processes you’ll inevitably want a way to secure as much information as possible,... Read more
Flyway can validate your migrations according to its own conventions, giving you the confidence you need to apply new migrations. However, as the lifetime of a project increases, there will inevitably be hotfixes, deleted migrations and other changes that break the conventions of Flyway’s validation. In these cases you need a way to tell... Read more
“It worked on my machine“. You’ve likely either heard this from a colleague or thought this yourself when a Flyway migration failed during a production deployment. The fact is that unfortunately, bad migrations slip through to the release process despite our best efforts. Thankfully, there are solutions to this – testing your Flyway migrations... Read more
We’ve had some users ask recently about multi-schema deployments. There are a number of possible scenarios, some of which are supported naturally by Flyway and some not. This blog post summarises the current state of play on the matter, but we’re keen to make sure we cover popular use cases. If you have any... Read more