Posts Categorized in Flyway

Julia Hayward

29 May 2020

Julia Hayward

29 May 2020

Using Git Hooks with Flyway

When you’re on your own developing a simple application, managing your migration scripts is not a demanding task; each time you add a script, it gets the next version number in whatever sequence you’ve decided on using. When your application takes off and you find you have a team working on migrations simultaneously, sharing... Read more

Julia Hayward

27 May 2020

Julia Hayward

27 May 2020

Announcing Flyway/CockroachDB Support

Earlier versions of Flyway supported simpler schema migrations within a single CockroachDB node. Both Flyway and CockroachDB aim to be simple to use, and we’re delighted that the Cockroach Labs team have worked closely with us to enable Flyway to be just as robust and reliable in scenarios involving many distributed nodes where migrations... Read more

Organising your Migrations

In Flyway 6.4.0 we introduced a new feature, support for wildcards in the locations. With this feature a new set of solutions to organizing your migration files has now become available. In this post we hope to detail some of them, to aid the users of Flyway in deciding the solution that best suits their environment.... Read more

Philip Liddell

19 March 2020

Philip Liddell

19 March 2020

Timestamps and Repeatable Migrations

In Flyway 6.3.0 we introduced a new feature. The ability to use the ${flyway:timestamp} placeholder (See Placeholders for more details). This placeholder will insert the current date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss as its value. Now, this has some very obvious uses such as storing the date a migration was executed into your database. However, there is something more complex... Read more

Philip Liddell

5 March 2020

Philip Liddell

5 March 2020

Flyway 6.3.0 Released

Flyway 6.3.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 6.2.0. Highlights The highlights of the features introduced since the 6.2.0 release include: New in Flyway 6.3.0 Introduced in patch releases since Flyway 6.2.0 You can find a detailed list of issues fixed in the release notes. Load default configuration files API method... Read more

Alex Tercete

23 January 2020

Alex Tercete

23 January 2020

Flyway 6.2.0 Released

Flyway 6.2.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 6.1.0. Highlights The highlights of the 6.2.0 release include: We’ve also written a guide for adding support to your database. You can find a detailed list of issues fixed in the release notes. Validate migration naming We’ve added the flyway.validateMigrationNaming configuration option to enforce the... Read more

Alex Tercete

26 November 2019

Alex Tercete

26 November 2019

Flyway 6.1.0 Released

Flyway 6.1.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 6.0.0. Highlights The highlights of the 6.1.0 release include: You can find a detailed list of issues fixed in the release notes. Manual transaction override You can now override Flyway’s decision to wrap the execution of a script in a transaction by creating... Read more

Julia Hayward

19 August 2019

Julia Hayward

19 August 2019

Flyway 6.0.0 Released

Flyway 6.0.0 is out! This is the first full release by Redgate, and contains many new features and improvements over Flyway 5.2.4. This version also adds more features and fixes on top of the previous beta releases. Highlights The highlights of the 6.0.0 release include: You can find a detailed list of issues fixed in the release notes.... Read more

Julia Hayward

1 August 2019

Julia Hayward

1 August 2019

Flyway at Redgate – meet the team

So Flyway has joined the Redgate stable… A quick word of introduction – I’m Julia Hayward, I’ve been a software engineer for 26 years, four of those at Redgate, and I’ll be looking after Flyway. This is my first blog on, and after a week of learning my way around the whole of Flyway’s... Read more

Axel Fontaine

24 July 2019

Axel Fontaine

24 July 2019

The next chapter of Flyway

In early 2010 I was doing some work around deployment automation. As part of this effort, I decided to tackle the problem of rolling out database changes along with the application consistently across environments, I wanted a tool that could be tightly integrated with application deployment, worked with plain SQL, and was simple to... Read more