Posts Categorized in Flyway

Julia Hayward

25 November 2020

Julia Hayward

25 November 2020

Flyway 7.3.0 Released

Flyway 7.3.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 7.2.0. Highlights You can find a detailed list of the changes in the release notes. Migration filename placeholder It can be useful to know the full name of a migration file at the time it’s executed, for auditing purposes. The migration description is... Read more

Tey Peryie

5 November 2020

Tey Peryie

5 November 2020

DB DevOps

Why and how you should automate database migrations The desire to release features faster and deliver value to customers sooner is prompting many IT teams to adopt DevOps and Agile practices. By automating parts of the development process where possible and working in shorter cycles to release small changes more often, those teams that... Read more

Philip Liddell

27 October 2020

Philip Liddell

27 October 2020

Flyway 7.1.0 Released

Flyway 7.1.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 7.0.0. Highlights You can find a detailed list of the changes in the release notes. Filtering info output Flyway Teams  In the Flyway CLI output from info can be filtered to only the parts of the history that you care about using the following 4... Read more

Philip Liddell

16 October 2020

Philip Liddell

16 October 2020

Skip Executing Migrations Examples

As you’ve likely seen we recently released Flyway 7.0.0, containing a lot of new features (read more about what features are available in the blog post). One of the new features is the new Flyway Teams configuration parameter skipExecutingMigrations. This configuration parameter changes migrate to skip executing the contents of the migrations during a flyway migrate or flyway undo, instead just updating... Read more

Mikiel Agutu

28 September 2020

Mikiel Agutu

28 September 2020

Flyway 7.0.0 Released

Flyway 7.0.0 is out! It contains many new features and improvements over Flyway 6.5.7. This version also adds more features and fixes on top of the V7 beta release. Highlights Most of the bigger changes are already detailed in the V7 beta blog post. Highlights of the new changes since the beta are: You can find a detailed... Read more

Ajay Ahir

1 September 2020

Ajay Ahir

1 September 2020

Flyway 7.0.0 Beta

The Flyway Team has been hard at work on Flyway V7. We’ve spent a lot of time pouring over GitHub issues, working on some of the most wanted feature requests, and thinking hard about how to overcome some long-standing limitations. Flyway 7 Beta After much work, we’re proud to announce we are releasing an early-access... Read more

Julia Hayward

19 August 2020

Julia Hayward

19 August 2020

A first view of Flightpath

Once a year at Redgate we hold Down Tools Week. It’s our hack week, when we temporarily put aside our normal work and form ad-hoc teams to propose, vote on and tackle new problems. Last time one team took a look at database provisioning in tandem with Flyway. This year, as knowledge about Flyway has spread... Read more

Mikiel Agutu

16 July 2020

Mikiel Agutu

16 July 2020

Configure resource providers

In May we received request from our friends at Quarkus asking that we allow users more control over how Flyway looks up resources. By resources, we mean things like migrations, callbacks, and so on. They were even kind enough to provide a Pull Request! The Pull Request was merged, and the changes released in Flyway 6.5. In this... Read more

Philip Liddell

25 June 2020

Philip Liddell

25 June 2020

Flyway 6.5.0 Released

Flyway 6.5.0 is out! This release contains new features and improvements over Flyway 6.4.0. Highlights You can find a detailed list of the changes in the release notes. Toggle schema creation By default, Flyway will attempt to create the schemas provided by the schemas and defaultSchema configuration options. This behavior can be toggled with the createSchemas configuration option. This might be useful... Read more

Mikiel Agutu

8 June 2020

Mikiel Agutu

8 June 2020

JVM Properties

At its core, Flyway is a Java library, though it hooks into many clients which are frequently used in non-Java contexts. For non-Java contexts we’d like Flyway to be as platform-agnostic as possible. Nonetheless, some Java-specific concepts have to be exposed, like our use of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers. The Flyway Command Line... Read more