Alkin Tezuysal
Altinity Inc., Director of Services
Most influential in the database community 2022
The Redgate 100 is a list of this year's top 100 online influencers, recognized for their impact in the database community across nine categories. We've identified The Redgate 100 by leveraging an established algorithm to assess resonance, relevance, and reach across social media and online publications.
Learn about the selection processUse the buttons below to filter by category and tap on each card to learn more about each influencer.
Altinity Inc., Director of Services
DB Results, Lead Consultant
Microsoft, Principal Program Manager, PostgreSQL
Crunchy Data, Product
Yugabyte, Developer Advocate
Percona, Senior Database Architect
EDB, Senior Database Consultant
MongoDB, VP of Partner Marketing
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Architect
Oracle, MySQL Cloud Principal Solutions Architect
Percona, CEO & Founder
Paragon Corporation, President
Timescale, Developer Advocate
EDB, Cloud Evangelist
Redgate helps teams balance the demand to deliver software fast with the need to protect and preserve business critical data.
Your business, teams, and databases benefit from fast delivery, low downtime, and strong collaboration, while minimizing any risks to your data.
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