Flyway 7.0.0 Released

Flyway 7.0.0 is out! It contains many new features and improvements over Flyway 6.5.7. This version also adds more features and fixes on top of the V7 beta release.


  • More control over deployments with the new cherryPick and skipMigrationExecution options
  • Run arbitrary scripts as versioned migrations – PowerShell, Bash, Python, and more
  • Amazon S3 bucket support
  • Azure Synapse support
  • A new edition of Flyway, called Teams, replaces Pro and Enterprise editions

Most of the bigger changes are already detailed in the V7 beta blog post. Highlights of the new changes since the beta are:

  • JSON output for all commands on the command line
  • Support for Oracle SQL*Plus glogin.sql
  • Make cherry pick work for repair

You can find a detailed list of the changes in the release notes.

Simplifying Flyway’s paid-for editions – introducing Flyway Teams

The paid-for editions of Flyway help fund the development of our free Community edition. We’ve decided to simplify the way we offer paid-for features, and so from v7 onwards, there will be just one paid-for edition, Flyway Teams.

While you’ll still get all the Flyway Enterprise features in Flyway Teams, it isn’t just an exercise in renaming. We’ve worked closely with our many new and existing customers to understand how Flyway’s robust migration framework can help teams when they’re collaborating on schema changes from development all the way into production.

Look out for our upcoming blog posts with more detail about our research and plans for the future versions of Flyway Teams. If your team is collaborating around Flyway, now’s a good time to check out Flyway Team features and buy a license.

Download it now and enjoy!

You can download Flyway 7.0.0 now! We recommend you upgrade if you are affected by any of the issues logged in the release notes.

Flyway is brought to you with  by the Redgate team: Julia HaywardPhilip LiddellAjar Ahir, and Mikiel Agutu, with a lot of help from Axel Fontaine as well as the many contributors.

Now it’s your turn! Spread the word, follow @flywaydb on Twitter and subscribe to our newsletter below to be the first one to be notified about updates.

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