Posts by
Tonie Huizer

With 20+ years of experience Tonie likes to read, experiment, talk and write about software. In his stories on medium he explains Azure, SQL and other Microsoft technologies.

Tonie Huizer

9 January 2024

Tonie Huizer

9 January 2024

Automated Provisioning of Multi-Database Environments in a Flyway Development

This article describes how we implemented lightweight database provisioning, using clones, within an automated Flyway release process . It allows users to self-serve personal copies of a complex multi-database system, in a way that is transparent, supports flexible Git branching and merging strategies and agile releases, but does not compromise data security nor add... Read more

Working with Flyway And Entity Framework Code First: An Overview

This article presents an approach to database development and deployment that combines the strengths of Entry Framework Code First for .NET-driven development with the control and database versioning provided by Flyway's SQL migrations. It allows every database change to be reviewed and tested for integrity, performance, and stability in the same way as any... Read more

A Version Control Strategy for Database DevOps

Our goal was to transform a 'serial' and manual development and release process into one that supported parallel development work and automated releases. This article explains step one: migrating our monolithic, centralized repos to Git, then implementing a Release Flow branching strategy for parallel development work streams, and a Pull Request workflow to control... Read more

Tonie Huizer

18 July 2022

Tonie Huizer

18 July 2022

Re-baselining a Database using Flyway Desktop

Over time, Flyway projects can accumulate a lot of migration scripts, with many database objects being created, altered, and dropped across many files. Tonie Huizer explains why you might want to create a new baseline migration file to create the latest version of a  Flyway-managed database in a single leap, and how to persuade... Read more

Tonie Huizer

24 March 2022

Tonie Huizer

24 March 2022

Why DevOps is all about creating one team

What is DevOps and how should organizations introduce it? In this series of articles, we talk to DevOps thought leaders who are leading the way in implementing advanced software development practices like DevOps for database as well as application development. What are the challenges they’ve faced, how have they overcome them, and what lessons... Read more