A Q&A with Troy Hunt and Steve Jones on security and compliance: What will you learn?
Last week, Redgate’s Steve Jones sat down with Troy Hunt to talk about all things security and compliance, which Redgate surveys have found is the biggest concern among IT professionals this year.
Troy is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP, Pluralsight author and world-renowned web security specialist. He spends his time teaching developers how to break into their own systems before helping to piece them back together to be secure against today’s online threats. He’s also the creator of Have I been pwned?, the free online service for breach monitoring and notifications. You’ll often see him in the media talking about security and he’s even testified before US Congress on the impact of data breaches.
We loved the insightful, intelligent answers to Steve’s questions and invite you to enjoy the fascinating conversation in the webinar which is now available on-demand. Among other things, Steve asks Troy the following questions:
On issues data professionals have long been concerned with …
If we think about the last decade, has data security got better or worse in most organizations?
Is there something Developers, DBAs, and those who work with data could do in terms of monitoring security, to better protect themselves and be aware of a simple breach?
Should we have better monitoring systems that look for people making those mistakes, and at least alerting somebody?
On issues we should be thinking of now …
Do you think that insurance could help us get better at archiving data?
A lot of us are working remotely now, do you think that these changes are impacting data security in a lot of organizations?
Is there something those of us in technical roles should be doing for data security as we move to the cloud and hybrid environments?
On regulatory and compliance issues …
How have compliance regulations changed the world of data security for technical professionals?
Do you think more fines are going to help drive change, or is there anything that would help large organizations improve?
How do you think that the security compliance landscape is going to change in the next few years, and is there anything that you look forward to?
And, my favorite …
If there’s one thing from today’s session that developers, DBAs, and data professionals should take away, what would it be?
We hope you enjoy the conversation between Steve and Troy as much as we did! Watch the on-demand webinar to find your favorite insights.
And for more information on one of the topics they touched upon, Security and Compliance in Estate Monitoring, find our latest insights report here.
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