Product articles

  • Strategy

The Flyway Migrate Command Explained Simply

The 'Migrate' command automates the process of applying the database schema changes that are defined in migration scripts, while Flyway tracks the version of every copy of the database. This makes it much easier to maintain consistency across different database environments, and so facilitates continuous integration, continuous deployment, and database version control practices. Read more

Planning a Database Testing Strategy for Flyway

With Flyway, you can adopt a test-driven development strategy that will allow you to test and evaluate databases, and database objects, at every phase of the database development lifecycle. The further down the delivery pipeline that bugs appear, the more costly in time and resources they are to fix. This approach will allow you to catch many of them before the database change even gets committed to version control, making a continuous delivery process much easier to adopt and sustain. Read more

The Essential Tools for Standardizing SQL Server Database Development

To achieve rapid delivery of database functionality, database development must both support craftsmanship and incorporate the ideas of standardization and automation that allow for 'mass production'. This article explains how to achieve this 'balance' using the specialist database development tools in SQL Toolbelt Essentials. These tools allow database experts to work quickly and accurately, with structured and repeatable processes to ensure all required checks and coding standards are applied before delivery. Read more