Product articles SQL Compare

  • Strategy

Comparing Two SQL Server Databases: When, Why, and How

SQL Compare has a simple premise: it will compare the two SQL Server databases for schema differences. It will generate a script that will make the schema of a target database the same as that of the source database. This article explores all the ways this can be helpful during database development and deployment, from generating database scripts in version control, to detecting database drift, to auto-generating deployment scripts. Read more

Unearthing Bad Deployments with SQL Monitor and Redgate’s Database DevOps Tools

Sudden performance issues in SQL Server can have many causes, ranging all the way from malfunctioning hardware, through to simple misconfiguration, or perhaps just end users doing things they shouldn't. But one particularly common culprit is when deployments go wrong: I don't know a single DBA who hasn't been burned by a bad release. Read more