Posts Tagged with codebuild
The fundamentals of deploying database changes through Flyway are pretty simple. At the root of it all, there are two words you need to know: This of course comes with a whole set of assumptions. You’ve set up your configuration to connect to the correct database being just one of them. And that’s talking... Read more
The first time you try to automate a database deployment using any of the available flow control tools, all the moving parts makes the task look insanely difficult and this is not any different within the AWS Developer Tools. However, after you get over that initial shock, the processes are not nearly as difficult... Read more
A lot of work with Flyway is going to take place on development machines with the Flyway command line installed. Another healthy chunk of the work will be on dedicated instances used for Continuous Integration (CI) or Continuous Delivery (CD), again, with the command line installed. However, what happens when you start automating more... Read more