Using environments in Flyway commands

Deploying database code using pipelines in various CI/CD tools is a common practice among our customers who use Flyway. To enhance security and avoid hardcoding sensitive information like connection strings, they frequently employ variables and secrets in the pipelines. Recently, Redgate introduced a new way to configure target database connections with Flyway CLI 10... Read more

Matt Hilbert

21 March 2024

Matt Hilbert

21 March 2024

Where’s the money? The ROI of test data management

You may have heard of test data management (TDM). It’s part of the software delivery process – some would say a crucial part, involving the creation, management, and maintenance of environments for software development and testing. By provisioning fresh, production-like data, it allows developers to test their proposed changes early, thoroughly, and repeatedly with... Read more

James Phillips

19 March 2024

James Phillips

19 March 2024

Why test data management is becoming increasingly important to the C-suite

We recently sat down with James Phillips, Senior IT Leader, to talk about test data management (TDM) and the growing attention it’s getting from the C-suite. It’s been prompted by the recognition that provisioning test and development environments with realistic production-like data improves the quality of code being developed, reduces errors, and deliver new... Read more

Enter Prompt+ EAP: your AI-powered database development partner in the making

After many cups of coffee and takeaway pizzas, something changed in the world of SQL Prompt in November 2023. For the first time in SQL Prompt’s history, our engineering team at Redgate brought AI to its breadth of capabilities and called it Prompt+. Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language... Read more

James Wood

28 February 2024

James Wood

28 February 2024

5 things to look for in a database monitoring tool

Databases are the backbone of enterprise-level organizations, facilitating efficient data management, supporting critical business processes, and providing a foundation for secure innovation and growth. Effective database monitoring is critical for maintaining a high level of performance, security, and reliability in database systems, particularly in enterprise-level environments where large volumes of data and critical business... Read more