Higher database limit in DLM Dashboard

We’re pleased to announce that you can now monitor more databases in DLM Dashboard.

The latest version, 1.6.2, supports up to 50 databases!

Higher database limit was one of the most requested features on UserVoice. Along with the ability to exclude changes using filters, and the option to restrict access to the tool through permissions, we’ve shipped features to address the barriers some users were facing in adopting DLM Dashboard across their organisation.

We’ve also been asked when we’ll be releasing a paid-for version of DLM Dashboard.

Redgate has been helping data professionals deliver change in the data tier for 16 years now, but we’re still learning about the huge variety of teams and business needs there are out there, as well as what’s changing. DLM Dashboard has been a great addition to that learning process so far, with over 2000 votes for features in UserVoice.

We’ve decided that we’d rather keep that engagement in full flow, and hold off on plans for a paid-for edition of DLM Dashboard for now.

We’ll continue to shape the tool based on user feedback. A big part of this work is scaling the tool to support more databases, and as such, we’d love to hear what you think about the new limit. When you update, you can use the survey in DLM Dashboard to tell us how many databases you’d like to see supported in future versions.

Higher db survey

You can also hit the Give Feedback button on the DLM Dashboard toolbar to get in touch. The team read all your comments and suggestions, along with requests on our UserVoice page, when developing new features for DLM Dashboard.

When you can see what, when, how and by whom database changes are being made in your data tier, we hope you’ll also see how adopting Database Lifecycle Management in your organisation could help you improve the way you build and deploy your databases. When you’re ready to take that next step, Redgate can help you with a range of tools designed to improve your database development and deployment processes.

And for teams that are already practicing continuous integration and continuous delivery in the data tier – for example, by using Redgate’s DLM Automation product – DLM Dashboard can guarantee the integrity of your build pipeline, by alerting you to out-of-process change.

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for new features.

Download the latest edition of DLM Dashboard

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