Posts by
David Atkinson

Product strategist at Redgate

David Atkinson

2 October 2020

David Atkinson

2 October 2020

Welcome to Redgate Deploy and cross-platform database DevOps

As organizations realize the advantages they can gain by integrating database development into their DevOps pipelines, the conversation about database DevOps has moved from ‘why’ to ‘how’. This has been helped along the way by the growing availability of third-party tools and solutions which plug into and align with application development processes and workflows... Read more

Is your SQL code covered?

No, it almost certainly isn’t. Besides, how would you know either way? Let me explain. Most modern software development today includes some form of automated testing. While comprehensive unit testing is still sorely lacking in many organizations, it’s often mitigated by other forms of automated testing conducted later on in the development cycle. Code... Read more

David Atkinson

5 September 2014

David Atkinson

5 September 2014

The (r)evolution starts here

Sssshhh. There’s a revolution going on. Quietly, purposefully, and without fanfare, Database Lifecycle Management is looming on the horizon for every developer and DBA. A continuous, agile-based approach to integrating, coordinating and managing the different phases of database delivery. Whoah, there. Database Lifecycle Management? Application Lifecycle Management, yes, but how on earth can you... Read more