Posts by
Amie Hardgrave

Amie Hardgrave

24 January 2022

Amie Hardgrave

24 January 2022

What is the Essential Eight Maturity Model – and where does your data fit into the picture?

Join any conversation about cybersecurity in Australia and the Essential Eight Maturity Model may well be mentioned. Introduced in 2017 by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), its purpose is to help non-corporate Commonwealth entities (NCEs) minimise the risk of cyber attacks by following eight mitigation strategies in three key areas: The risk management... Read more

Amie Hardgrave

10 September 2020

Amie Hardgrave

10 September 2020

Notifiable Data Breaches – and how to avoid them

With the significant growth of data across organizations and the increase in regulations everywhere aimed at protecting that data, the words ‘data breach’ aren’t something any organization wants to hear. That’s the message we often hear in conversations with customers. That said, I thought it would be good to share some insights on what... Read more