How to use SQL Clone in the Azure Cloud, installing it on an Azure Virtual Machine, storing a copy of your SQL Server database as an 'image' on an Azure File Share, and then deploying multiple clones to another Azure VM or to a remote machine. Read more
When database development is described, the details often get vague when the data gets beyond spreadsheet-size. There is 'hand-waving' talk of providing databases for each developer, but little detail of how you would provision all the databases that would be needed, at the correct version and with the correct development data, and then keep them all in sync with the source code, as developers commit changes. This article explains the requirements, and how SQL Clone can meet them. Read more
Tony Davis explores how SQL Change Automation is increasingly providing ways of working with SQL Clone, to improve the quality of testing for database changes. With SCA v4.3, developers can now use the SSMS plugin to create a clone of the target database, to be used as a reference database, or baseline, for the deployment project. Read more
Alexander Diab demonstrates how a team of developers can work on and test features in different branches of a SQL Server database development project, while their local development database automatically remains 'synchronized' with the current branch in version control. Read more
Learn how SQL Clone and SQL Change Automation, used together, now allow you to branch your database in Git as quickly and simply as your code. Read more
Phil Factor shows uses SQL Clone and PowerShell to automatically create images of all databases on an instance, if they don't already exist, and then create or refresh clones of each one, on all your development servers. Read more
Phil Factor demonstrates some simple examples of how to use SQL Clone's PowerShell library to pass objects between cmdlets, and simplify common tasks, such as creating and deploying clones from various images. He then documents the objects and cmdlets, and illustrates their inputs and outputs. Read more
If you are evaluating a tool such as a text editor or spreadsheet, it is easy: you just install it, you run it, you decide whether you need it. Job done. However, a similar 'unboxing' or 'unwrapping' of SQL Clone, and installing across a network, is not so quick and easy. Phil Factor's solution is to install and run a complete installation of SQL Clone on a single box. This allows you to try everything out, creating images and deploying clones, while isolated from the network. It can then be extended across a network, subsequently, when it's been fully tested. Read more
Phil Factor describes the freedom of being able to "self-serve" databases, during testing and development, and explains how it works with SQL Clone. Read more
SQL Clone 4 introduces a new access control feature called Teams, allowing granular control over the SQL Server instances, images and clones to which each group of users has access. I’ll explain how Teams makes it easier to manage the safe distribution of database copies throughout the organization, to the various teams that need them Read more
Phil Factor provides a PowerShell script to disconnect your laptop without risking error 21, if you're working with SQL Clone and need to go offline. The same script will then bring the clone database back online smoothly, once you're reconnected. Read more
Phil Factor demonstrates how to use SQL Clone to create 'disposable' SQL Server databases, for development and testing work. You can spin up a clone, use it to unit test your code, messing up the clone in the process, then reset the clone in seconds, ready for the next test. Read more
Phil Factor uses SQL Clone, PowerShell and Visio to build a live 'clone network' diagram showing when there was last activity on each clone, and the number of object changes made to each one, alongside useful metadata such as the clone and image sizes, who created them and when. Read more
Whenever you’re ready to refresh a test cell with the latest database version, you need a safe way to drop the current set of clones, and the parent image, without losing any unsaved work. Phil Factor provides a PowerShell script that automates this process so it runs in the time it takes to grab a coffee, after which can quickly deploy the new clones. Read more
Phil Factor shows how to automatically apply T-SQL modification scripts during image and clone creation. Using this technique you can, for example, apply data masking to all clones, or customize an individual clone to work on a special variant or branch version, or set up instance level objects like Agent jobs or linked servers. Read more
Demonstrating how to use PowerShell automation to create a suite of clones, for testing or development work, with the ability to revert a clone to its original state, instantly, ready for the next set of tests to begin.
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A PowerShell automation script to build a SQL Server database from source control, seed it with dummy data, document it, and then deploy copies to any number of test and development servers. Read more
Phil Factor explains how SQL Clone works, and its multiple benefits when used in daily development and testing work, as well as for other tasks such as training staff to use a new application. Read more
Phil Factor provides the basis for a Database Continuous Integration process, using SQL Change Automation to build the latest database, and then SQL Clone to distribute it to the various team-based servers that need it. Having honed the process, you can run it every time someone commits a database change. Read more
Rebecca Edwards premieres the new SQL Clone 3.0 dashboard, and explains new features to make it easier to manage clones, view recent activity on them, and reset clones with the push of a button. Read more
Owen Hall describes the new "clone reset" feature, how it works and the database development and testing processes it enables, or makes simpler and quicker. Read more
Tony Davis takes a ‘first look’ at cloning databases with SQL Clone, reviewing some of the database provisioning challenges that we seek to overcome, explaining briefly how SQL Clone works, and then walking through a simple example of creating a clone from a live database. Read more
Richard Macaskill describes a lightweight copy-and-generate approach for making a sanitized database build available to development teams, using SQL Clone, SQL Change Automation and SQL Data Generator. Read more
How is it possible that the cloned databases could be so small and lightweight, and yet behave exactly like any normal database, complete with all the data? It sounds like magic, but it's not. It simply makes clever use of native Windows virtualization technology. Read more
What if you now do development work on a clone, but you to continue working on you own local clone while ‘disconnected’, such as when travelling? One simple option if the original database contains no private data, or the image has been masked, is to performance a normal backup and restore operations the clone, although you'll now be working with a normal, full-sized database. Read more
For teams who use a shared development database out of necessity rather than choice, SQL Clone might make the dedicated model viable for the first time. Read more
For most development teams, the database provisioning process involves some element of compromise. Either the process is slow, but the database is realistic or the process is fast but the database unrealistic. Chris Hurley explains why SQL Clone can allow the team to develop and test with a real database, without the compromises. Read more
It has always been a difficult task to provision development and test environments so that they reflect as closely as possible what’s present in production. With the rise of containerization and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) technologies, some parts of this are becoming much easier. We can automate the process of spinning up and configuring new virtual Read more