Product articles Database Builds and Deployments

Solving the Provisioning Problem in Database Development using Clones

When database development is described, the details often get vague when the data gets beyond spreadsheet-size. There is 'hand-waving' talk of providing databases for each developer, but little detail of how you would provision all the databases that would be needed, at the correct version and with the correct development data, and then keep them all in sync with the source code, as developers commit changes. This article explains the requirements, and how SQL Clone can meet them. Read more

Using Filters to Fine-tune Redgate Database Deployments

Filters are used by Redgate's SQL Compare, SQL Source Control, DLM Dashboard, and SQL Change Automation. A typical use for a filter is to work on just one schema within a database or just a limited set of tables and routines. You would also want to use a filter to exclude certain object, such as database users, from comparisons. Phil Factor explains how they work, and how to create, edit and then use them within the various Redgate tools. Read more

Simple Database Development with SQL Change Automation

SQL Change Automation makes automation simple enough that it can adapt to suit many different approaches to SQL Server database development. Phil Factor describes a project to update the Pubs database, using it in combination with a PowerShell function and to maintain in source control the build scripts, migration scripts and object-level scripts, for every version of the database. Read more

Automating Oracle Database Deployments using the Hybrid Approach

Stephanie Herr explains how to use the 'hybrid' approach in the Deployment Suite for Oracle to automate Oracle database deployments. This is where the team maintains the current state of the database in version control during development. then, at key stages, they generate and test the migrations script that will be used to deploy the new database changes safely. Read more