David Atkinson

5 September 2014

David Atkinson

5 September 2014

The (r)evolution starts here

Sssshhh. There’s a revolution going on. Quietly, purposefully, and without fanfare, Database Lifecycle Management is looming on the horizon for every developer and DBA. A continuous, agile-based approach to integrating, coordinating and managing the different phases of database delivery. Whoah, there. Database Lifecycle Management? Application Lifecycle Management, yes, but how on earth can you... Read more

Geoff Bones

19 March 2014

Geoff Bones

19 March 2014

Code kata 4: Word ladder

Naming things can be very hard, yet a well-chosen name can really help a reader understand how your code works. This code kata is an old favorite, one that we’ve done before, but this time we’ve added an emphasis on naming things well. The kata A word ladder is a sequence of words (each... Read more