Posts by
Matt Hilbert

Matt Hilbert is a technology writer at Red Gate with 20 years’ experience working for lots of the world’s biggest tech companies – and many of the smallest. He has a particular fascination for emerging technologies and is on a continuing mission to decompile, untangle, and explain techspeak to a wider audience, and excite people about the endless possibilities technology offers.

Matt Hilbert

12 May 2023

Matt Hilbert

12 May 2023

How to release value to customers faster, safer, easier

It’s a constant challenge for many businesses: where and how to focus investment in technology to remain competitive and stay current with the latest trends and development practices, while still meeting changing customer demands. That’s even more relevant now because, in a tough economic climate, global digital transformation spending is still forecast to reach... Read more

Redgate opens the doors to cross-database DevOps Test Data Management

A constant challenge for many development teams is how to include test data management in the development process. Testing with consistent, realistic and compliant datasets, and bringing the database into CI and DevOps pipelines, has been shown to catch data-related issues long before they reach customers. The result: an increase in efficiency, a reduction... Read more

What is PostgreSQL, and why do businesses need to know more about it?

For the last five years and more, there’s been an elephant in the room when it comes to the way businesses and organizations collect, manage, store and analyze data: PostgreSQL. An open source relational database that offers the kind of enterprise advantages that have already attracted businesses like Netflix, Instagram and Spotify according to... Read more