Product articles Database Builds and Deployments

Using a GitHub Tagged Release for a Flyway Migration

Why not just build the latest version of any branch of the database by pulling the scripts from the latest tagged release on GitHub? While it is easy to get the files via the GitHub site, it gets tedious to do so repeatedly, via the GUI. It is, however, possible to automate this via the Rest API, using a script. If you are using PowerShell, I've done it for you. Read more

Moving from application automation to true DevOps by including the database

This article explains the challenges of DevOps automation for databases, starting with how to manage the database, as a set of SQL scripts, in the version control system, and then how to start building an integrated and automated script pipeline for continuously testing and deploying database schema changes, alongside the application code. Read more

Comparing Two SQL Server Databases: When, Why, and How

SQL Compare has a simple premise: it will compare the two SQL Server databases for schema differences. It will generate a script that will make the schema of a target database the same as that of the source database. This article explores all the ways this can be helpful during database development and deployment, from generating database scripts in version control, to detecting database drift, to auto-generating deployment scripts. Read more