Product articles SQL Change Automation

Using database replication with automated deployments

For the SQL Change Automation team, it’s important that we take time out from development, occasionally, to explore some of the issues our customers face when automating database deployment. Following on from previous posts about cross-database and cross-server dependencies and production database drift, this article shares some of our thoughts about how to deal with database replication. Read more
Dashboard doc with xp

We don’t need no documentation – automating schema docs in SQL Change Automation

“Understanding the existing product consumes roughly 30 percent of the total maintenance time.” Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering by Robert L. Glass. You should be documenting your database schema. I know it, you know it. Having current, accurate documentation available accelerates time-to-resolution for faults, aids tech-to-business conversations, and is a regulatory requirement for a great number of firms. Read more
screenshot of a drift report from sql change

Dealing with production database drift

For the SQL Change Automation team, it’s important that we take time out from development, occasionally, to explore some of the issues our customers face when automating database deployment. Following on from previous posts about cross-database and cross-server dependencies, this article shares some of our thoughts about how to deal with production database drift. If you’re Read more

Transaction-handling techniques in T-SQL deployments

How are transaction handled when deploying databases with SQL Change Automation? For the most part, we have resisted putting excess structure around the way that changes are deployed to your database. Unlike database projects that use the declarative-style of deployment, which work by synchronizing a source-controlled model of your schema to a target database, we Read more

Staying In-sync with drift correction

Getting everyone in a team behind a process change is hard. As a database developer, not only do you need to champion the new process within your own team, but you also need to extend the olive branch to your DBA to ensure everyone is on-board with the changes. This is where you may encounter Read more