Simple Reporting with Flyway and Database Models
If you can generate a file-based (JSON) model for each new version of a database, produced by a Flyway migration, then you have an easy way to run simple reports to help you search, list, and understand the structure of these databases. I'll show how to produce the models using PowerShell and then run some queries against them to generate the reports.
I developed the FlywayTeamwork PowerShell framework to help users automate various of the necessary database development tasks that must happen as part of a Flyway migration. If you’ve taken the leap, and already started to use the framework, then you’ll probably have noticed that it can automatically generate a file-based (JSON) model of each version of the database, for any one of the major RDBMSs (it currently supports PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, SQL Server and SQLite).
This is necessary for supporting many development tasks but was done primarily to check for database ‘drift’ to ensure that no ‘uncontrolled’ changes were ever made to a database. However, there is also a lot of other useful information for the working database developer in this model.
What is a database model?
A model of a SQL database is a hierarchical representation of its metadata, the structure of inter-related tables and views, its procedures and functions. It can be represented easily in markup such as XML or YAML, or in a language such as JSON or even PowerShell. I’ve used JSON.
The most obvious use of a JSON model of a database is that you can use it to compare, search or list parts of your database or even to create SQL-92 build scripts for such purposes as transferring tables. It isn’t my idea: similar devices have been used for some time by DevOps groups in Facebook and Netflix to try to speed up delivery, and there are several open-source applications that use a database model rather than a SQL build script for design work.
There are a huge number of models that you can use for this purpose. After years of experiment, I’ve settled on a sparse and economical model that, wherever possible, sticks to SQL conventions and uses the names of objects as the keys. The model must be lean and economical. Columns are defined entirely with legal and consistent SQL syntax so that they are easily understood and easily parsed.
With Flyway, I can save a model for every version, so I know what was in it without having to recreate the live database. If I compare a version with the previous one, I then know what the migration did. A lot of routine tasks can be performed quickly by querying the model rather than the database. One can get lists of tables, search for strings or column names, list dependencies that are enforced by constraints, and answer a host of other questions that crop up when you’re developing a database. Database diagrams can easily be generated as long as the database contains keys and constraints.
It is time to demonstrate some of this.
Generating the database model
The easiest way to test out some of the simple reporting that uses the JSON model is to grab one of the sample JSON models that I’ve provided (one for PostgreSQL and one for MySQL or MariaDB) and save it locally. If so, then you can skip this section and move straight to the one after, where we read the model into PowerShell and start doing some simple reporting.
However, if you want to try out generating the JSON model, it requires use of Flyway and my FlywayTeamwork PowerShell framework. For each database we want to manage with Flyway, we set up a Flyway project folder, within the framework. The framework currently supports PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, SQL Server and SQLite. In the demos for this article, I’m using both the PubsMySQL project and the development branch of the PubsPostgresSQL project. However, I’ve also provided sample versions of the old ‘Pubs’ database for the other RDBMSs.
For every successful Flyway migration run, we invoke a scriptblock task, included with my framework, called $SaveDatabaseModelIfNecessary
, which generates the JSON models.
Set up the Flyway project
I’ve described how to set up the Flyway project, within the framework, in previous articles (see for example What is the Flyway Teamwork Framework?) so won’t go into detail here.
I have one root folder (in my case called FlywayDevelopments) that holds all my Flyway projects plus the Resources folder, containing all the required framework tasks and files. In this example, my Flyway project folder (PubsFlyway) looks like this:
This is the ‘main’ branch of the project (the only one we’ll use in the example). All branches have a standard structure. Make sure you create the sub-folders as shown; we’ll only use Migrations and Versions in this example, but the Branches directory needs to exist.
You’ll also need a copy of preliminary.ps1, and you’ll need to create a flyway.conf file that contains all the required project details for your database. Each of the projects in my GitHub repo contains sample config files for various databases.
Run the Flyway migration to generate the JSON model
We use the following code. It starts by making the project folder the current working directory and then runs the ‘preliminary’ script that fetches all the relevant information you need for scripting and automating a Flyway development. It announces the result in a Write-Output
message just to make sure it has all worked, that I’m working with the right branch and to prevent myself doing something stupid.
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cd <MyPathToTheFlywayDirectory> . '.\preliminary.ps1' Write-Output @" Processing the $($dbDetails.variant) variant of $($dbDetails.branch) branch of the $($dbDetails.project) project using $($dbDetails.database) database on $($dbDetails.server) server with user $($dbDetails.installedBy)" "@ |
You’ll have spotted that all the details you need were created for you by this script and are in a hashtable called $dbDetails
. If something goes awry, such as files ending up in unexpected locations, check the contents of $dbDetails
(e.g., just highlight it and execute it, in a PowerShell scripting window).
You can then run all the migrations, to take the database up to a version 1.1.7.
1 |
flyway migrate |
And then run the required post-migration tasks. You can find all the currently supported tasks in DatabaseBuildAndMigrateTasks.ps1, but in this case we just need to do enough to generate the model:
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$PostMigrationTasks = @(   $GetCurrentVersion, #checks the database and gets the current version number   #it does this by reading the Flyway schema history table.   $SaveDatabaseModelIfNecessary, #Build a JSON model of the database ) Process-FlywayTasks $dbDetails $PostMigrationTasks |
When you run the $SaveDatabaseModelIfNecessary
task you’ll find two new sub-folders in the Versions folder, one for the new version (1.1.7) and one called current. Within the 1.1.7 folder you’ll find a reports folder containing the database model and a model folder containing object-level JSON scripts, organized by object type. It also puts a copy of all model and reports folders into the current folder.
The scriptblock currently only creates all these JSON file once, the first time you create the version. If you want to refresh it, you must delete the current files.
Simple Reporting using the JSON model
If you are trying this out with an existing JSON model file, then it is simple to read it into PowerShell:
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$Model = ConvertFrom-json ( [IO.File]::ReadAllText("<PathTowhereIStoredMy>DatabaseModel.JSON") ) |
If you want to read the model created at the end of the last migration, then this is also simple.
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<# We can easily get hold of the JSON model of the database and convert it into a PowerShell object.#> $Model = ConvertFrom-json ( [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$($dbDetails.ReportLocation)\current\Reports\DatabaseModel.JSON") ) |
Peeping at the model
Let’s have a look at what’s inside. JSON isn’t that easy to read directly. If you are a database person, it all looks rather neater, and easier to inspect, using YAML.
1 |
$Model | convertTo-YAML |
We show just part of the result – a procedure, view and table – just to show you the idea.
--- dbo: procedure: byroyalty: hash: 896a29ca1a4eadd58d230709e111b12b definition: > Begin select au_id from titleauthor where titleauthor.royaltyper = percentage; end view: reptq1: columns: - pub_id varchar(8) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) - avg_price decimal(23,8) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) hash: 589bcc3a39d8e3cf287332da8cdb9f7d definition: > select coalesce('dbo'.'publications'.'pub_id','ALL') AS 'pub_id',avg('dbo'.'prices'.'price') AS 'avg_price' from ((('dbo'.'publishers' join 'dbo'.'publications' on('dbo'.'p ublications'.'pub_id' = 'dbo'.'publishers'.'pub_id')) join 'dbo'.'editions' on(' dbo'.'editions'.'publication_id' = 'dbo'.'publications'.'Publication_id')) join 'dbo'.'prices' on('dbo'.'prices'.'Edition_id' = 'dbo'.'editions'.'Edition_id')) where 'dbo'.'prices'.'PriceEndDate' is null group by 'dbo'.'publications'.'pub_id' with rollup table: employee: comment: An employee of any of the publishers primary key: PRIMARY: emp_id foreign key: fk_Employee_Pubs_JobID: Cols: job_id "Foreign Table": Referencing: job_id fk_Employee_JobID: Cols: job_id "Foreign Table": Referencing: job_id fk_Employee_publishers_pub_id: Cols: pub_id "Foreign Table": dbo.publishers Referencing: pub_id columns: - emp_id char(9) NOT NULL - fname varchar(20) NOT NULL - minit char(1) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) - lname varchar(30) NOT NULL - job_id smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT (1) - job_lvl smallint(6) NULL DEFAULT (10) - pub_id char(8) NOT NULL - hire_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (curdate()) index: Jobid_index: def: Indexing: job_id pub_id_index: def: Indexing: pub_id …etc etc …
I hope that this gives a feel for the type of information that’s there. The model is a recursive object. It has to be because of the hierarchical nature of database metadata. For example, Schemas contain tables, which contain columns.
If we use a handy PowerShell cmdlet provided with the framework that I’ve written called Display-Object
, you can take quite a shortcut to finding out what is in an object. This allows us to query and filter it. What Display-Object
does is to find every value in the JSON and gives a ‘path’ or address that tells you where it is in the model. You can reference any value easily via its path. You can specify the depth to which you want to dig to find the data. Schemas are shallow, (a depth of 1), categories of base objects (tables/views/types/functions and so on) are next at depth 2, and each object is then listed by name at level 3. Child objects are visible by name at level 4.
List all the schemas in the database
We just list the first level of the hierarchy, the schema level. We’ll just leave it as an object path for the time being (if you’ve used XML, you’ll know what I mean)
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$model | Display-object -depth 1 | select Path |
Path ---- $.dbo
List object types within each schema
What happens if we raise the level by an increment? We get the objects that are present in each schema. In this MariaDB example we’ve only one schema:
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$model | Display-object -depth 2 | select Path |
Path ---- $.dbo.procedure $.dbo.table $.dbo.view
List object names and their type and schema
We can just increment the depth to three, to see the object names as well as types:
1 |
$model | Display-object -depth 3 | select Path |
Path ---- $.dbo.procedure.byroyalty $.dbo.procedure.reptq1 $.dbo.procedure.reptq2 $.dbo.procedure.reptq3 $.dbo.table.authors $.dbo.table.discounts $.dbo.table.editions $.dbo.table.employee $ $.dbo.table.prices $.dbo.table.publications $.dbo.table.publishers $.dbo.table.pub_info $.dbo.table.roysched $.dbo.table.sales $.dbo.table.stores $.dbo.table.tagname $.dbo.table.tagtitle $.dbo.table.titleauthor $.dbo.view.byroyalty $.dbo.view.publishersbypublicationtype $.dbo.view.reptq1 $.dbo.view.reptq2 $.dbo.view.reptq3 $.dbo.view.titles $.dbo.view.titleview
However, if we are serious about reporting, we need to do better in terms of clarity.
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# for a tidier output, we'd do this. $pathRegex = '\$\.(?<schema>.+?)\.(?<type>.+?)\.(?<name>.+)' $model | Display-object -depth 3 | foreach{ [pscustomobject]@{ 'Name' = $_.Path -ireplace $PathRegex, '${schema}.${name}'; 'Type' = $_.Path -ireplace $PathRegex, '${type}' } } |
Name Type ---- ---- dbo.byroyalty procedure dbo.reptq1 procedure dbo.reptq2 procedure dbo.reptq3 procedure dbo.authors table dbo.discounts table dbo.editions table dbo.employee table table dbo.prices table dbo.publications table dbo.publishers table dbo.pub_info table dbo.roysched table dbo.sales table dbo.stores table dbo.tagname table dbo.tagtitle table dbo.titleauthor table dbo.byroyalty view dbo.publishersbypublicationtype view dbo.reptq1 view dbo.reptq2 view dbo.reptq3 view dbo.titles view dbo.titleview view
Listing the (view and table) object names and their child objects (e.g., constraints)
Just by going to a depth of 4, we can see the child objects:
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# list object names and the type of child objects that they have (e.g. columns) $model | Display-object -depth 4 | select Path |
Path ---- $.dbo.Table.authors.columns $.dbo.Table.authors.index $.dbo.Table.authors.primary key $.dbo.Table.discounts.columns $.dbo.Table.discounts.foreign key $.dbo.Table.discounts.index $.dbo.Table.discounts.primary key $.dbo.Table.editions.columns $.dbo.Table.editions.index $.dbo.Table.editions.primary key $.dbo.Table.employee.columns $.dbo.Table.employee.foreign key $.dbo.Table.employee.index $.dbo.Table.employee.primary key $ $ key $.dbo.Table.prices.columns $.dbo.Table.prices.index $.dbo.Table.prices.primary key $.dbo.Table.publications.columns … etc, etc …
Filtering the data
We can easily put in a filter to list just the tables, procedures, functions or views. Here we just want the Views. We use a simple wildcard to do the filtering.
1 2 |
# list just the views in any schema $model | Display-object -depth 3 | where { $_.Path -ilike '$.*.View*' } | select Path |
Path ---- $.dbo.View.byroyalty $.dbo.View.publishersbypublicationtype $.dbo.View.reptq1 $.dbo.View.reptq2 $.dbo.View.reptq3 $.dbo.View.titles $.dbo.View.titleview
Listing out columns
We can list out all the columns in the database, together with its table. I’ll just show the first two tables:
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#Listing all the columns in the database $model | Display-object | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.columns*' } | Foreach{ $bits = $_.Path.split('.'); [pscustomobject]@{ 'TableName' = "$($Bits[1]).$($bits[3])";'Column'=$_.Value } } |
TableName Column --------- ------ dbo.authors au_id varchar(11) NOT NULL dbo.authors au_lname varchar(80) NOT NULL dbo.authors au_fname varchar(80) NOT NULL dbo.authors phone varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('UNKNOWN') dbo.authors address varchar(80) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.authors city varchar(40) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.authors state char(2) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.authors zip char(5) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.authors contract smallint(6) NOT NULL dbo.discounts discounttype varchar(40) NOT NULL dbo.discounts stor_id char(4) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.discounts lowqty smallint(6) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.discounts highqty smallint(6) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.discounts discount decimal(4,2) NOT NULL dbo.discounts discount_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment dbo.editions Edition_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment dbo.editions publication_id varchar(6) NOT NULL dbo.editions Publication_type varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('book') dbo.editions EditionDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (curdate()) dbo.employee emp_id char(9) NOT NULL dbo.employee fname varchar(20) NOT NULL dbo.employee minit char(1) NULL DEFAULT (NULL) dbo.employee lname varchar(30) NOT NULL dbo.employee job_id smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT (1) dbo.employee job_lvl smallint(6) NULL DEFAULT (10) dbo.employee pub_id char(8) NOT NULL dbo.employee hire_date datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (curdate())
You are more likely to use a filter to search out the table you are interested in. Here is a wildcard search for columns in the Sales
table (you could search for keys as well):
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# We can list the columns for a particular table $model | Display-object -depth 5 | #Select the table and its columns where { $_.Path -ilike '$.*.*.sales.columns*' } | Select Value #list all columns of a named table or view |
Value ----- stor_id char(4) NOT NULL ord_num varchar(20) NOT NULL ord_date varchar(50) NOT NULL qty int(11) NOT NULL payterms varchar(12) NOT NULL title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL
Listing other table attributes
Now, as far as the model is concerned, a column is merely an ordered list of ‘column’ attributes. So are primary keys and foreign keys. To illustrate this, here are a list of all the primary keys in the sample database. They are all given the automatically generated name 'PRIMARY'
by MariaDB, in case you wondered!
1 2 3 |
$model | Display-object -depth 5 | #Select the child object types (columns, keys) where { $_.Path -ilike '$.*.*.*.primary key*' } | Select path, Value #list all primary keys |
Path Value ---- ----- $.dbo.Table.authors.primary key.PRIMARY au_id $.dbo.Table.discounts.primary key.PRIMARY discount_id $.dbo.Table.editions.primary key.PRIMARY Edition_id $.dbo.Table.employee.primary key.PRIMARY emp_id $ key.PRIMARY job_id $.dbo.Table.prices.primary key.PRIMARY Price_id $.dbo.Table.publications.primary key.PRIMARY Publication_id $.dbo.Table.publishers.primary key.PRIMARY pub_id $.dbo.Table.pub_info.primary key.PRIMARY pub_id $.dbo.Table.sales.primary key.PRIMARY ord_num $.dbo.Table.stores.primary key.PRIMARY stor_id $.dbo.Table.tagname.primary key.PRIMARY TagName_ID $.dbo.Table.tagtitle.primary key.PRIMARY title_id $.dbo.Table.titleauthor.primary key.PRIMARY au_id
Well, this is only a small practice database I’m using but there are other attributes besides columns and primary keys. In fact, we can tell you precisely what other attributes exist:
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# list object names and the type of child objects that they have (e.g. columns) $model | Display-object -depth 4 | Foreach{ ($_.Path.split('.'))[4]; }| sort -Unique |
columns comment definition foreign key hash index primary key unique
Refining the result (to support further processing)
This is OK for ad-hoc queries, assuming you don’t mind doing a bit of filtering by eye; but what if you want to generate a list of tables for further processing, such as to import or export data?
We need to have a more user-friendly result. There are several different ways of doing this. One is to use a Regex expression, exploiting the fact that the Select-Object
cmdlet allows a PowerShell expression:
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$model | Display-object -depth 3 | #select the schema, object type and object name where { $_.Path -match '\$\..+?\.Table' } | select @{ label = 'TableName' expression = { $_.Path -ireplace '\$\.(?<schema>.+?)\.(?<type>.+?)\.(?<name>.+)', '${schema}.${name}' } } |
TableName --------- dbo.authors dbo.discounts dbo.editions dbo.employee dbo.prices dbo.publications dbo.publishers dbo.pub_info dbo.roysched dbo.sales dbo.stores dbo.tagname dbo.tagtitle dbo.titleauthor
You can use Select-String
to get the same effect if you like Regex expressions:
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#Alternative version listing out every table from all schemas $model | Display-object -depth 3 | Select -ExpandProperty path | Select-String -pattern '\$\.(?<schema>.+?)\.Table.(?<name>.+)' | Foreach{ [pscustomobject]@{ 'tableName' = "$($_.Matches.Groups[1].value).$($_.Matches.Groups[2].value)" } } |
However, I prefer a much simpler way of doing it, relying on the fact that the path
expression is dot delimited. Again, the result is the same:
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#But my favorite approach is this $model | Display-object -depth 3 | where { $_.Path -match '\$\..+?\.Table' } | foreach{ $bits = $_.Path.split('.'); [pscustomobject]@{ 'TableName' = "$($Bits[1]).$($bits[3])" } } |
Searching for strings
You can easily do global searches for a string within the metadata, via a wildcard or regex search. You can also apply filters to focus the search on a particular schema, object type or attribute. Here’s a wildcard search for title_id
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#Searching for a string anywhere in the database metadata using wildcards is dead simple $SearchFor = '*title_id*' $model | Display-object | where{ $_.path -like $SearchFor -or $_.Value -like $SearchFor }| Out-GridView -Title "searching for '$SearchFor'" |
Here’s the results in grid view:
Regex searches are just as easy:
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#or a regex search if you are so inclined $RegexSearchFor = 'Eb[aeiou][aeiou]k' $model | Display-object | where{ $_.path -match $RegexSearchFor -or $_.Value -match $RegexSearchFor } |
Path Value ---- ----- $.dbo.View.publishersbypublicationtype.columns[4] Ebook decimal(22,0) NULL DEFAULT (NULL)
We can easily restrict our searches just to columns, for example:
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#You might want to restrict your search. What if you only wanted to search columns? $SearchFor = '*title_id*' $model | Display-object | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.columns*' -and $_.Value -like $SearchFor } |
Path Value ---- ----- $.dbo.Table.roysched.columns[0] title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL $.dbo.Table.sales.columns[5] title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL $.dbo.Table.tagtitle.columns[0] title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL $.dbo.Table.titleauthor.columns[1] title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL $.dbo.View.titles.columns[0] title_id varchar(6) NOT NULL
Or to foreign keys:
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#what about just searching foreign keys? $SearchFor = '*title_id*' $model | Display-object -depth 10 | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.Foreign key*' -and $_.Value -like $SearchFor } |
Path Value ---- ----- $.dbo.Table.roysched.foreign key.roysched_ibfk_1.Cols title_id $.dbo.Table.sales.foreign key.sales_ibfk_2.Cols title_id $.dbo.Table.tagtitle.foreign key.tagtitle_ibfk_2.Cols title_id $.dbo.Table.titleauthor.foreign key.titleauthor_ibfk_2.Cols title_id
Exploring references
Probably the most common question asked by developers within a team is about references. If they are enforced by a foreign key, then the answer is easily fetched. You can approach it from the view of the table doing the referencing …
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#What tables are referencing other tables and which ones $model | Display-object -depth 10 | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.foreign key.*.Foreign Table' } | foreach{ $bits = $_.Path.split('.'); [pscustomobject]@{ 'TableName' = "$($Bits[1]).$($bits[3])"; 'Key' = "$($bits[5])"; 'References' = $_.Value } } |
TableName Key References --------- --- ---------- dbo.discounts fk_Discounts_Stores_Stor_id dbo.stores dbo.employee fk_Employee_JobID dbo.employee fk_Employee_publishers_pub_id dbo.publishers dbo.employee fk_Employee_Pubs_JobID dbo.pub_info fk_Pubinfo_publishers_pub_id dbo.publishers dbo.roysched roysched_ibfk_1 dbo.publications dbo.sales sales_ibfk_1 dbo.stores dbo.sales sales_ibfk_2 dbo.publications dbo.tagtitle tagtitle_ibfk_1 dbo.tagname dbo.tagtitle tagtitle_ibfk_2 dbo.publications dbo.titleauthor titleauthor_ibfk_1 dbo.authors dbo.titleauthor titleauthor_ibfk_2 dbo.publications
…or what tables are being referenced.
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#what tables are being referenced by foreign keys? $model | Display-object -depth 10 | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.foreign key.*.Foreign Table' } | foreach{ $bits = $_.Path.split('.'); [pscustomobject]@{ 'TableName' = "$($Bits[1]).$($bits[3])"; 'Key' = "$($bits[5])"; 'References' = $_.Value } } | Sort-Object -Property References | foreach{ [pscustomobject]@{ 'TableName' = "$($_.references)"; 'key' = $_.Key; 'ReferencedBy' = $_.Tablename } } |
TableName key ReferencedBy --------- --- ------------ dbo.authors titleauthor_ibfk_1 dbo.titleauthor fk_Employee_JobID dbo.employee fk_Employee_Pubs_JobID dbo.employee dbo.publications roysched_ibfk_1 dbo.roysched dbo.publications sales_ibfk_2 dbo.sales dbo.publications tagtitle_ibfk_2 dbo.tagtitle dbo.publications titleauthor_ibfk_2 dbo.titleauthor dbo.publishers fk_Employee_publishers_pub_id dbo.employee dbo.publishers fk_Pubinfo_publishers_pub_id dbo.pub_info dbo.stores fk_Discounts_Stores_Stor_id dbo.discounts dbo.stores sales_ibfk_1 dbo.sales dbo.tagname tagtitle_ibfk_1 dbo.tagtitle
Listing references
What we’ve done so far is to get paths to objects and, if they are simple values like numbers or strings, we merely provide their values. We don’t provide the objects because that would mean overweight objects. If you need an object such as an index, table, procedure, or key, then it is sometimes easier to use the path to get the data from the object. Here we get a more comprehensive report of foreign keys by listing out the columns used in both the referring table and the referenced table. Unfortunately, we don’t have a multi-column primary key/foreign key in the sample database, but the columns become comma-delimited lists if necessary.
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#What tables are referencing other tables and which ones, and with what key columns $model | Display-object -reportNodes $true -depth 4 | where{ $_.path -like '$.*.*.*.foreign key' } | foreach{ $TableDetails = $_.Path.split('.'); #first get the schema and name of the table $table = "$($TableDetails[1]).$($TableDetails[3])" # now we get the section of the model; for that table's foreign keys. As it is a #path, we need to create a string and execute that as an expression to get it #with the complication of having a name with a space in it that needs parentheses $references = Invoke-Expression "$($_.Path.Replace('$.', '$model.').Replace('foreign key', '"foreign key"'))" #now we can iterate through the foreign keys of the table $references.psobject.Properties | foreach{ #for each key $name = $_.Name; [psCustomObject]@{ 'table' = $table; 'Foreign Key' = $Name; 'Key Cols' = $_.Value.Cols -join ","; 'Referenced Table' = $_.Value.'Foreign table'; 'Referenced keys' = $_.Value.'Referencing'; } } } | Format-Table |
table Foreign Key Key Cols Referenced Table Referenced keys ----- ----------- -------- ---------------- --------------- dbo.discounts fk_Discounts_Stores_Stor_id stor_id dbo.stores stor_id dbo.employee fk_Employee_Pubs_JobID job_id job_id dbo.employee fk_Employee_JobID job_id job_id dbo.employee fk_Employee_publishers_pub_id pub_id dbo.publishers pub_id dbo.pub_info fk_Pubinfo_publishers_pub_id pub_id dbo.publishers pub_id dbo.roysched roysched_ibfk_1 title_id dbo.publications Publication_id dbo.sales sales_ibfk_2 title_id dbo.publications Publication_id dbo.sales sales_ibfk_1 stor_id dbo.stores stor_id dbo.tagtitle tagtitle_ibfk_2 title_id dbo.publications Publication_id dbo.tagtitle tagtitle_ibfk_1 TagName_ID dbo.tagname TagName_ID dbo.titleauthor titleauthor_ibfk_2 title_id dbo.publications Publication_id dbo.titleauthor titleauthor_ibfk_1 au_id dbo.authors au_id
I created the Flyway Teamwork framework to make it easier to automate Flyway with PowerShell. Although it seemed most important to integrate Flyway with other development teamwork processes such as source control, bug management, testing, deployment and code review, it was the problem of keeping track of the database objects that were being changed that drove me to create database models. With a database model, it is far easier to compare versions routinely. However, I soon began to appreciate how useful it was to be able to use the models, instead of the live database, when you’re just looking at the design and implementation, making sure tables are properly indexed, searching for strings and so on. It is a by-product of their primary value but surprisingly useful, nonetheless.
It is possible to do more. You can create Entity Relationship Diagrams, validate datasets and so on. However, this article is just intended as an introduction to the many uses of a database model that can be used by scripts. Sure, database models can be very useful.