
Find out what the teams are developing, and check out what’s new in Data Masker

The mission

A fully automated masking approach for improved data security

Accelerating the time to provisioning, using default masking sets eliminating the need for the user to create single masking rules. Enabling organizations to have secure datasets in their downstream environments.

What's new

Masking set creation automation

Data Masker now generates default masking sets to mask the most common information types without needing the user to create a single masking rule.

Catalog integration

Data Masker now comes with a Data Catalog Importer that enables users to import and map their Data Catalog classifications to a default masking set.

See the full release notes

What's next

In development

Greater customization of generated masking sets

One-click automasking with clone catalog

Connect to whole database at once

21 years in database software
93% rate support 'excellent'
804K users worldwide
92% of the Fortune 100

Data Masker

Get started with Data Masker

Start masking sensitive data today – build your data masking plan with help from our Support team, and get started with the comprehensive tutorials, sample tables and masking rules included in the fully functional trial.

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