Product articles
Redgate Flyway

Defusing Flyway Validation Errors using Smarter Checksum Comparisons

This article provides a scripted SQL tokenizer script that quickly verifies whether a Flyway validation error is a real cause for concern, due to retrospective metadata changes, or just the result of a developer valiantly adding formatting and documentation to improve the code. If the changes are purely cosmetic, we can safely run Flyway repair to resume normal migrations. Read more

Simplifying Data Import and Export for Database Development

Extracting and importing data for development and testing is made trickier due to issues such as constraints, dependencies, and special data types. This article introduces a cross-RDBMS solution with JSON for data storage and PowerShell cmdlets that use ODBC to help automate extraction and import, and JSON Schema for validation. Just provide a DSN, and you’re good to go! Read more

Using Flyway and Data Containers for Database Testing: Rapid Setup and Teardown

This article demonstrates how to use the rgclone CLI in Redgate Test Data Manager to automatically save each new version of a database created by Flyway as a data container revision, tracking which Flyway version maps to which container revision. We can then, from a single data container, load any version of the database during test setup, as well as quickly 'reset' a container during test teardown. Read more

Data Container Revisions, Resets and Graduations

Redgate Test Data Manager allows developers to save each new version of a database as a data container revision. After making local development changes to the container, or running tests, they can instantly reset it to its starting revision. They can also load any previous revision and can even 'graduate' a revision to an image, providing a new baseline for ongoing team development. These techniques are especially effective when used in conjunction with Flyway, which automatically tracks the version of every copy of the database. Read more

Find the Version of a Flyway-managed Database

Maintaining a version of a database opens a lot of possibilities, especially if an automated process can easily grab the current version, at runtime. You might, for example, have a routine that is only appropriate after a particular version. It is also very handy to be able to associate entries in an event log or bug report with the database version. The article describes various ways to get the current Flyway schema version from Flyway, and how to get it using SQL, in SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Read more

Flyway’s Clean Command Explained Simply

The Clean command resets a database to its initial state, before any Flyway migrations were applied. In other words, it empties the database. This can be useful for any development task that requires that you recreate the database structure, or for tearing down a test harness. It also allows you to try out experiments and alternative strategies within an isolated feature branch, and then reverse out of them. Read more