Product articles

Flyway’s Clean Command Explained Simply

The Clean command resets a database to its initial state, before any Flyway migrations were applied. In other words, it empties the database. This can be useful for any development task that requires that you recreate the database structure, or for tearing down a test harness. It also allows you to try out experiments and alternative strategies within an isolated feature branch, and then reverse out of them. Read more

Planning a Database Testing Strategy for Flyway

With Flyway, you can adopt a test-driven development strategy that will allow you to test and evaluate databases, and database objects, at every phase of the database development lifecycle. The further down the delivery pipeline that bugs appear, the more costly in time and resources they are to fix. This approach will allow you to catch many of them before the database change even gets committed to version control, making a continuous delivery process much easier to adopt and sustain. Read more

Doing Flyway Migrations for Many Different Databases and Projects

This article demonstrates a PowerShell automation technique that will allow you to run any Flyway build or migration task on any number of projects and databases, hosted on a range of RDBMSs. It handles all connection and authentication details securely, makes it easier to automate database testing and can send detailed alerts when Flyway encounters an error. Read more

Flyway Alerting and Notifications

Once a scripted Flyway task is tested and bedded-in, it should rarely cause errors, so when one happens the team need to be notified immediately, especially if it is part of an automated deployment process. This article provides a PowerShell cmdlet that will execute any Flyway command, process and filter the Flyway output and send any errors to the chosen notification system. You can receive the Flyway error alerts on your mobile phone, if required! Read more

Using a GitHub Tagged Release for a Flyway Migration

Why not just build the latest version of any branch of the database by pulling the scripts from the latest tagged release on GitHub? While it is easy to get the files via the GitHub site, it gets tedious to do so repeatedly, via the GUI. It is, however, possible to automate this via the Rest API, using a script. If you are using PowerShell, I've done it for you. Read more