This article explains the different ways to reverse or accelerate your way out of the problems caused by a failed database deployment, where a technique such as feature flags fits into your strategy, and how Flyway is designed to help you ensure both that you're fully prepared to take swift remedial measures, and that you minimize the need to use them. Read more
This article explains the various ways of using placeholders to pass information and settings to any Flyway script, to gain bit of extra flexibility in a migration run., providing examples of conditional execution, running SQL expressions using environment variables and even one of using placeholders in a callback to send a warning notification to your phone, after a migration completes. Read more
If you can convert a SQL file to HTML, then you can inspect your Flyway migration files in a browser. This is especially useful if your SQL is color-coded with the same conventions as it was in your IDE. It is even better still if your browser can allow you to scan through many files, moving from file to file with a single click. This article demonstrates how to do this with a few PowerShell scripts. Read more
This article demonstrates a PowerShell automation technique that will allow you to run any Flyway build or migration task on any number of projects and databases, hosted on a range of RDBMSs. It handles all connection and authentication details securely, makes it easier to automate database testing and can send detailed alerts when Flyway encounters an error. Read more
A database assertion test aims to check that data within a relational database conforms to specific business rules. This article demonstrates how to run these assertion tests automatically in Flyway, checking that the queries under test always produce the expected results. Read more
Consider a customer who needs to deploy sequence objects to multiple SQL Server production databases, but where the values generated for the surrogate key, in each database, must be unique. This article demonstrates one way that this can be accomplished with Flyway. Read more
How to run structured Arrange-Asset-Act-Teardown (AAAT) tests, each time Flyway successfully migrates a database, where you can annotate each test script to specify exactly how the test run should proceed, and then save all results and any errors to a simple ASCII report. Read more
Once a scripted Flyway task is tested and bedded-in, it should rarely cause errors, so when one happens the team need to be notified immediately, especially if it is part of an automated deployment process. This article provides a PowerShell cmdlet that will execute any Flyway command, process and filter the Flyway output and send any errors to the chosen notification system. You can receive the Flyway error alerts on your mobile phone, if required! Read more
Why not just build the latest version of any branch of the database by pulling the scripts from the latest tagged release on GitHub? While it is easy to get the files via the GitHub site, it gets tedious to do so repeatedly, via the GUI. It is, however, possible to automate this via the Rest API, using a script. If you are using PowerShell, I've done it for you. Read more
Database models have all sorts of useful applications during Flyway development to help us automate those repetitive development tasks that otherwise slow down delivery. This article shows how models can help us automate mundane tasks such as generating a build script for any version of a database or deleting the data from every table. Read more