Use the SQL Prompt Command Palette to find and execute 'hidden' SQL Prompt functionality, plus any of the common SSMS commands, as well as search for database objects. Read more
Every time you need to reuse the query results from SSMS, for example to populate another table, or to search for matching rows in another table, it will inevitably mean a lot of manual tweaking to the get the results into the right format. Louis Davidson uncovers three SQL Prompt gems that can remove all this pain. Read more
If you avoid illegal characters and reserved words in your identifiers, you'll rarely need delimiters. Sadly, SSMS applies square bracket delimiters indiscriminately, as a precaution, when generating build scripts. Phil Factor provides a handy function that adds quoted delimiters only where they are really needed and then sits back and lets SQL Prompt strip out any extraneous square brackets, in a flash. Read more
Phil Factor explores the role of table aliases, explaining when they are required, and their general purpose otherwise, the need for sensible naming of aliases, and how SQL Prompt handles them. Read more
Phil Factor shares a handy keyboard shortcut diagram that reveals some of the most useful of Prompt's keyboard shortcuts, and a wallchart showing every piece of Prompt functionality, what it does, where to find it in the various menus, and of course its keyboard shortcut. Read more
Louis Davidson demonstrates how SQL Prompt can significantly lessen the pain involved in occasional, 'heavyweight' database refactoring processes, such as renaming modules, tables and columns (Smart Rename), or splitting tables (Split Table). Read more
Louis Davidson reveals some useful Prompt features for refactoring individual code blocks or modules during development, which will improve code quality, reduce tedium, make testing simpler, or sometimes all three. Read more
How to qualify object names, standardize the use of aliases, and make other instant changes that improve the quality and performance of your SQL code. Read more
A strategic view of how a development team can use SQL Prompt to establish and share coding standards, through code analysis rules, formatting styles and code snippets. Read more
Phil Factor shows how to create a table of input values versus expected results, and then use it to unit test your SQL stored procedures and functions and verify that they always produce the correct results. He uses SQL Prompt to make this task much simpler. Read more