Write, refine, format and test a reporting query before lunch then refactor a database, and retest the new design, afterwards. All in a day's work for a developer armed with SQL Prompt. Read more
You have SQL Prompt, but are you aware of all the things it can do and how to get it to do it? Phil Factor provides a handy table to make it obvious. Read more
You may not have heard about it yet, but three helpful features were recently added to SQL Prompt that are activated when you right-click on the Results Grid in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). 1. Copy as IN clause This feature is available when you have values from a single column selected. You can select Read more
Working in a large database can be difficult at times. While many of us might learn the meanings and definitions of most objects, it’s easy to forget the exact ways in which some objects work, or what the behavior is in certain calls. This is one place where having tools that assist you like SQL Read more
Some SQL coding habits are just annoying. Commas in front of column names? No way! Others are actively harmful; they’ll make your code error prone, harder for others to read and understand, and even harder to edit without making mistakes. This article covers five harmful problems that I see regularly in T-SQL code, and shows Read more