Supplier Code of Conduct


This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines Red Gate Software Limited and subsidiary companies ("Redgate") ethical business practice and our commitment to conducting our business to the highest ethical standards and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

This Supplier Code applies to all Redgate suppliers of products or services ("Suppliers").


This policy covers all suppliers, their employees, officers, directors, consultants, contractors, volunteers, interns, agency employees, and any other individuals who are engaged with the Supplier.


Redgate encourages all our Suppliers to exceed the requirements of our code of conduct, and to promote best practices and continuous improvement throughout their operations.

Compliance with Laws

All Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. These include, but are not limited to: governing laws, data privacy, human rights, antibribery and corruption, confidentiality and health and safety.

Privacy and Data Security

We encourage our Suppliers to adopt and maintain processes to provide reasonable protections for personal data, confidential and proprietary information, including information accessed, received or processed on behalf of Redgate. Unauthorized use or disclosure of such information may have personal, legal, reputational, and financial consequences for the Supplier.

As a Supplier to Redgate you agree to:

  • Comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws.
  • Handle and process data only for the purposes for which it was collected, or otherwise made available.
  • Ensure you use best practices and data security controls to ensure that all information is protected and secure.
  • Notify Redgate of a known or suspected data breach where Redgate data is involved as soon as such breach is known about, and at the latest within 48 hours, and work with Redgate to contain the breach and determine the cause.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)

At Redgate we are committed to creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Redgate believe that these principles are essential not only within Redgate, but also throughout our supply chain. Our Suppliers are also key to helping Redgate uphold these values.

As a Supplier to Redgate you agree to:

  • Promote and practice these values within your organization. This includes, but not limited to:
    • Ensuring everyone is supported in their development and progression and ensuring your procedures are inclusive and equitable.
    • Creating an inclusive work environment where your employees feel valued and respected.
    • Implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and prevent discrimination.
    • Regularly assessing and improving your DEIB commitment.

Anti-bribery & Corruption

Redgate has a zero-tolerance policy for bribery, corruption, and unethical business practices. We expect our Suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of integrity in all their dealings.

As a Supplier to Redgate, you agree to:

  • Not engage in any form of bribery, corruption, or unethical business practices, whether domestically or internationally.
  • Comply with all applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations.
  • Implement and maintain effective internal controls to prevent bribery and corruption.


Whistleblowing is a crucial mechanism for uncovering and addressing wrongdoing within organizations. We encourage all employees and Suppliers to report any unethical or illegal activities they encounter.

As a Supplier to Redgate you agree to:

  • Establish a confidential and secure whistleblowing mechanism within your organization to allow employees and stakeholders to report concerns anonymously and without fear of retaliation.
  • Investigate and take appropriate corrective actions if wrongdoing is substantiated.
  • Report any concerns related to Redgate to our designated whistleblower reporting channel, if applicable.

By adhering to the above, we can collectively uphold the highest ethical and social responsibility standards throughout our supply chain and create a culture of trust, integrity, and accountability.

Labour and Human Rights

Redgate is a strong advocate of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act and is committed to preventing any form of modern slavery within our own network and globally.

As a Supplier to Redgate you agree to:

Modern Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

Fully comply with requirements of applicable slavery, forced labour & human trafficking laws and not use any form of forced or slave labour, or engage in human trafficking. All work must be performed under and in accordance with contracts that must have been entered into voluntarily and free from coercion.

Child Labour

Not employ child labour. You should take the necessary preventive measures to ensure you do not employ anyone under the applicable legal minimum age for employment in your respective country or region. These measures could include, but not limited to, age verification systems & training hiring managers.

Wages and Benefits

Ensure you pay fair wages and benefits, and these must meet or exceed the legal minimum legal requirements of their respective country or region.

All overtime work must be performed and compensated in accordance with the applicable law and the individual’s employment contract or other applicable contract.

Working Hours

Ensure that working hours comply with applicable laws and regulations, including maximum working hour limits, mandatory rest periods, correctly compensated as they would be entitled to under applicable law.

Freedom of Association

Respect your employees, officers, directors, consultants, contractors, volunteers, interns, agency employees, and any other individual rights to freedom of association by meeting or exceeding applicable laws.

Health and Safety

Provide a safe and healthy working environment for your employees, officers, directors, consultants, contractors, volunteers, interns, agency employees, and any other individual employees. This includes, but is not limited to, adequate safety equipment, training, and measures to prevent accidents and occupational health issues.


Suppliers are encouraged to implement responsible and sustainable practices, including but not limited to, reducing environmental impact, promoting diversity and inclusion, and conducting business with integrity.

Sexual Harassment

Redgate is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all individuals. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of sexual harassment. We expect all our Suppliers to adhere to this standard, ensuring that their workplaces are free from harassment and discrimination.

Export Compliance/Sanctions

Suppliers must comply with all applicable export control and sanctions laws and regulations and ensure that no products or services supplied to us violate these laws.

Continuous Improvement

Suppliers are encouraged to continuously improve their practices to enhance sustainability, ethics, and transparency in the supply chain.

Compliance and Monitoring

We believe that by adhering to this Supplier Code of Conduct, we can collectively promote ethical business practices, protect human rights, and contribute to a sustainable and responsible global community.


If you have any questions regarding this Code of Conduct, please contact