
How Financial Services businesses can stay ahead in the race to digital transformation

Insights from the 2021 State of Database DevOps survey

Every year, Redgate publishes the State of Database DevOps Report, based on a survey of thousands of database and IT professionals from around the world. The insights it provides enable senior IT decision makers to benchmark their own journey towards DevOps against that of their peers.

The large number of survey respondents (more than 3,000 for the latest report) provides additional opportunities to dive deeper into the data to discover variations, as well as similarities, between industry sectors. This white paper presents the headline findings for Financial Services businesses and then takes a closer look at how they are faring in their digital transformation initiatives.

It explains where and why the adoption of DevOps in application and database development is different, focuses on the particular challenges financial businesses face, and looks at how they have fared during the pandemic.

How Financial Services businesses can stay ahead in the race to digital transformation

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21 years in database software
93% rate support 'excellent'
804K users worldwide
92% of the Fortune 100