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The ROI of Database DevOps for Enterprise Organizations

We have a simple ROI model for Database DevOps based on quantifiable costs we see from our enterprise1 customers and from independent 3rd party research.

Implementing database optimization practices helps achieve business growth by protecting revenue from downtime, reducing costs from change failure and time spent on manual tasks, all while protecting sensitive data. Let's look at how...

1Protected revenue from downtime


The % of downtime caused by the database.2



The average cost of downtime from enterprises per year.3



The cost of downtime from suboptimal database practices.

2Reduce costs from change failure

Costs reduced, and stability increased

Enterprises implementing effective Database DevOps have a 7 times lower change failure rate.4 $4.05m ÷ 7 = $579k. $4.05m - $579k = $3.5m


Saving from the cost of downtime minus (reduced) change failure rates.

3Less time spent on manual tasks

Savings from Automated Deployments


The average time saved with Redgate automated deployments.5


Efficiency gains using Redgate for automation.

Total savings per year

$3.5m + $1.88m = $5.3m per year

All while protecting sensitive data.

Time freed up per day for your team by automating processes to drive business impact elsewhere.*

3 Hours6

Average time saved per day by using efficient, automated monitoring.

*Unquantifiable cost not included in ROI model

Savings from Database DevOps practices including monitoring, minus the cost of Redgate solution and upskilling the team7.

ROI over 1 year: $4.3m

ROI over 3 years: $14m

Ready to make the database a star performer in your business growth?

Speak to a member of our friendly team to see what value your business might achieve.


  1. Redgate definition of Enterprise is 1000+ employees and $1billion+ in revenue.
  2. Nertiv TM Independently conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC Cost of Data Center Outages. (2016). Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2023].
  3. Cost of Downtime: Truth and Facts of IT Downtime. [online] OpsWorks Co. (2021) Available at:[Accessed 27 Jan. 2023]. b. The Cost of Downtime: Outages, Brownouts & Your Bottom Line. [online] Queue-it. Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2023] ($540,0001 x 2 hours x 152 incidents) = $16.2m – total cost of average outages at enterprise.
  4. State of DevOps Report. [online] Available at:
  5. Based on 10 x Redgate Enterprise customers and measuring Dev time, DBA review, DBA release, Dev rework and DBA rollback.
  6. Based on Redgate case studies with Enterprise customers.
  7. Assumes a DBA salary of $75/ hour and upskilling time of 40 hours per user for FWE and SQL Monitor respectively.

Disclaimer: These figures are estimates of what Redgate thinks your return on investment could be and are for illustrative purposes only. Redgate cannot guarantee your future results and/or success and is not responsible for your actions. Finally, the use of Redgate's information, product and services should be based on your own due diligence.