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Redgate Monitor course for Redgate University

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Get started with short videos and documentation

This course takes you from installation and configuration, all the way up to getting the most out of the advanced features in Redgate Monitor to help you proactively monitor your SQL Server estate. Learn how to explore in-depth issues in your environment, run an analysis, manage alerts, create custom metrics, and more.

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21 years in database software
93% rate support 'excellent'
804K users worldwide
92% of the Fortune 100

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Whether you want more details about Redgate Monitor, a demo, or to know about best practice – get in touch.

The industry standard tools for 25 years

Redgate has specialized in database software for 25 years. Our products are used by 804,000 IT professionals, in more than 100,000 companies.

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Redgate offers comprehensive documentation and a friendly, helpful support team. An average 87% of customers rate our support 'Excellent'.