ROI vs The Cost of Inaction

What is the ROI of Database DevOps?  It’s a question we hear every day.  “Prove to me that my investment will net us real return.”

And it makes sense.  Real change means disruption, which, for some, is a concern.  They want justification for the time and effort required to adopt Database DevOps.

We can and do offer proven ROI insight in “The ROI of Database DevOps for Enterprise Organizations.”

But forget ROI for a second.

The real question you should consider is what are you willing to forgo to keep your current projects moving forward? Or to continue developing your in-house solution?

Quality? Revenue? Data security? Competitive edge/market position?

What opportunity costs are you willing to incur due to “budget/headcount constraints” or “misaligned processes” and “siloed teams”?

Employee burnout? Customer churn?

Ridiculous questions, right?  Yet, the reality is without Database DevOps in place, the cost of inaction is high.  And that cost increases over time.  Keeping the status quo will only lead to a lost opportunity for growth.

Database DevOps will help you:

  • Release faster to gain a competitive edge
  • Maximize FTE efficiency and reduce operational costs
  • Improve customer satisfaction and retention

Redgate solutions are designed to help organizations realize those benefits and more.

Redgate helps teams balance the demand to deliver software fast with the need to protect and preserve business critical data with an end-to-end framework for extending DevOps to your database.

Your business, teams, and databases benefit from fast delivery, low dowtime, and strong collaboration, while minimizing any risks to your data.

Redgate solutions may solve database challenges for faster, safer, and compliant deployments, but the net benefit is a higher performing organization with a healthier bottom line.

If you’re ready to stop incurring opportunity costs and move forward with your Database DevOps project, enter your contact information and we’ll help you realize significant business and IT gains.