Source Control and Databases

András's article on Source Control shows a lot of the thinking amongst the developers at Red Gate at that time that eventually crystallized into SQL Source Control. It identified several problems that had to be overcome before the task could be done properly. Andras's suggestions for the use of SQL Compare are now built-in to SQL Source Control, but it remains a fascinating explanation of the complications along the way. … Read more
01 May 2007
01 May 2007

How to Read Raw Files in SSIS

If you’ve ever used SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS), you will have come across raw files. Microsoft introduced them with SSIS as a mechanism for storing data on the local file system. The design of raw files enables data to be written very quickly but, unfortunately, to achieve this performance Microsoft has used a … Read more
12 April 2007
12 April 2007

What use is a Development DBA?

"I can't help thinking that unless you have a good DBA on a development team and use him or her as a consultant on all database matters, we're all losing out. I end up having work thrown at me that I could teach a trainee to do, which is a waste of my talents, and the development team's database skills might be 'good enough' but could be so much better." Doug Burns assesses the role of the Development DBA and its increasing importance to the success of software projects.… Read more
10 April 2007
10 April 2007

Reading and Writing Files in SQL Server using T-SQL

SQL Server provides several "standard" techniques by which to read and write to files but, just occasionally, they aren't quite up to the task at hand - especially when dealing with large strings or relatively unstructured data. Phil Factor provides some T-SQL stored procedures, based on use of the FileSystem Object (FSO), that may just get you out of a tight corner...… Read more