Robert Sheldon Working with the XML Data Type in SQL Server The XML data type, introduced in SQL Server 2005, is a powerful construct. When used wisely, it can provide useful extensions to SQL Server. Robert... 07 November 2011 16 min read
Learn SQL Server Fabiano Amorim in Learn SQL Server Window Functions in SQL Server When SQL Server introduced Window Functions in SQL Server 2005, it was done in a rather tentative way, with only a handful of functions being... 27 October 2011 12 min read
Learn SQL Server Roy Ernest in Learn SQL Server Resource Governor If you suffer from runaway queries, if you have several database applications with unpredictable fluctuation in workload, or if you need to ensure that workloads... 26 October 2011 23 min read
Learn SQL Server Robert Young in Learn SQL Server Going Beyond the Relational Model with Data SQL is a powerful tool for querying data, and for aggregating it. However, you can't easily use it to draw inferences, to make predictions, or... 27 September 2011 28 min read
Learn SQL Server Chris Shaw in Learn SQL Server Building Your DBA Skillset As a DBA and hiring manager, Chris Shaw has been on those sides of the recruitement process. As an MVP and active member of the... 06 July 2011 23 min read
Fabiano Amorim ShowPlan Operator of the Week – Split, Sort, Collapse 'Split, Sort & Collapse' is, happily, not a description of the intrepid Fabiano after his epic series of articles about the ShowPlan operators. With renewed... 11 April 2011 19 min read
Joe Celko Check your Digits The most persistent struggle in data processing has been to ensure clean data. There are many ways that data can be incorrect and a database... 07 April 2011 11 min read
Phil Factor How to Import Data from HTML pages It turns out that there are plenty of ways to get data into SQL Server from websites, whether the data is in tables, lists or... 30 March 2011 21 min read
Timothy Wiseman SQL Injection: Defense in Depth So much has been written about SQL Injection, yet such attacks continue to succeed, even against security consultants' websites. The problem is often that only... 17 March 2011 11 min read
Paul White Understanding and Using Parallelism in SQL Server SQL Server is able to make implicit use of parallelism to speed SQL queries. Quite how it does it, and how you can be sure... 03 March 2011 22 min read
Grant Fritchey Change Management and Source Control So, given the many good reasons for using Version Control systems for managing the changes in database applications, how does one go about the rather... 03 March 2011 47 min read
Robert Sheldon Bulk Inserts via TSQL in SQL Server The trouble with using BCP for reading data into SQL Server is that BCP is a command-line program. Fortunately, the same input functionality is available... 31 January 2011 20 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Merge Interval When Fabiano agreed to undertake the epic task of describing each showplan operator, none of us quite predicted the interesting ways that the series helps... 11 January 2011 7 min read
Michelle Ufford Effective Clustered Indexes As a guideline, clustered Indexes should be Narrow, Unique, Static and Ever Increasing (NUSE). Michelle Ufford Explains why. … 06 January 2011 21 min read
Robert Sheldon The DELETE statement in SQL Server Of the big four DML statements in SQL Server, the DELETE is the one least written about. This is odd considering the extra power conferred... 25 November 2010 11 min read
Fabiano Amorim ShowPlan Operator of the Week – Merge Join Did you ever wonder how and why your indexes affect the performance of joins? Once you've read Fabiano's unforgettable explanation, you'll learn to love the... 22 November 2010 9 min read
Robert Sheldon Working with Window Functions in SQL Server With SQL Server 2005, SQL Server introduced some of SQL's window functions, that apply, not to the full set, but a partitioned 'window'. Although the... 28 October 2010 12 min read
Joe Celko VALUES() and Long Parameter Lists – Part II The use of the comma-separated list of parameters to a SQL routine, that Phil Factor calls the 'comedy-limited list, is a device that makes seasoned... 28 October 2010 10 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – SORT Fabiano introduces another ShowPlan operator that is used to build a query plan, or perform an operation specified in the DML. Once again, Fabiano demonstrates... 11 October 2010 5 min read
Robert Sheldon Working with the INSERT statement in SQL Server The INSERT statement in SQL Server is versatile. It now allows the insertion of multiple rows of literal values. It also provides the output clause... 27 September 2010 12 min read