JavaScript Chisom Kanu in JavaScript Microtask Queues in Node.js Event Loop Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime designed to execute JavaScript code outside the web browser environment. Node.js is built on... 14 July 2023 11 min read
JavaScript Goodness Woke in JavaScript Express.js or Next.js for your Backend Project In this article, I will introduce two JavaScript frameworks that can be used to build backend projects. Backend development is... 25 November 2022 13 min read
.NET Julio Sampaio in .NET Getting started with Jamstack Jamstack is not a toolset; it’s a development methodology that can improve performance, productivity, and flexibility while keeping maintenance simple.... 05 August 2021 7 min read
.NET Hitendra Patel in .NET Cross-origin resource sharing for cross-site cookie-based authentication Organizations can take advantage of pre-built services to build their own software faster. In this article, Hitendra Patel demonstrates how... 15 December 2020 12 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET The Good and Bad of Responsive Web Design In today’s world, people expect any web page to look and work flawlessly whether they are viewing through a monitor... 29 October 2019 9 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Custom Forms in Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 4 functionality makes it easy for developers to make web forms better and more intuitive for the user. In... 21 February 2019 11 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Better HTML5 Input Fields Filling out online forms is often tedious, but it's even more frustrating when the input is not checked until you... 09 January 2019 12 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Bootstrap 4 and Self-validating Forms Validating the user input of a web form is important for security and data quality. In this article, Dino Esposito... 17 December 2018 11 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Building Better HTML Forms in Vanilla-JS Creating forms is one of the most basic skills for a web developer. It’s easy to, do but achieving the... 06 December 2018 12 min read
.NET Damon Armstrong in .NET Introduction to Vue.js with a Single Page Application (SPA) in Visual Studio Vue.js is a versatile JavaScript Framework that has many benefits for the developer building .NET web applications. It is, however,... 09 October 2018 46 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Using Modal Dialog Boxes in Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap provides an easy way to add modal dialogs to web pages. Dino Esposito explains how to create modal dialogs... 11 July 2018 13 min read
JavaScript Jakub Kaczmarek in JavaScript Securing Angular-Based Chrome Extensions Using Azure AD and ASP.NET CORE Azure Active Directory is a service that provides an authorization layer for different kinds of web applications easily. It is... 09 March 2018 15 min read
JavaScript Jakub Kaczmarek in JavaScript Developing a Google Chrome Extension using Angular 4 It may seem a tricky task to create a Chrome extension with TypeScript and Angular 4 but it turns out... 31 October 2017 14 min read
JavaScript Camilo Reyes in JavaScript Working with the BigInt Type in Node and SQL Server Node.JS and SQL Server are a good match for creating non-blocking, event-driven database applications. Though you can use ODBC or... 30 January 2017 13 min read
.NET Vishwas Parameshwarappa in .NET Securing Web Applications If you are developing a web application, almost every design decision you make can introduce a security flaw if you... 04 January 2017 21 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Some Tips for Minimising the Pain of HTML Input Forms HTML Input forms are, by their nature, tiresome for the user of any website. However, with some attention to detail... 13 October 2016 12 min read
.NET Igor Kolosovskyi in .NET Is JavaScript Single-Threaded? Developing JavaScript for web pages can be perplexing. You will get errors that seem to make no sense, You will... 08 September 2016 10 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Taking Pictures from HTML Sometimes a request from a user who doesn't appreciate the limitations of the technology can jolt you into discovering that... 25 August 2016 12 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Accepting Dates in Web Pages Surely, not much could be simpler than using the HTML INPUT element? Actually, it was always a trouble for dates,... 18 July 2016 12 min read
.NET Dino Esposito in .NET Crossing the Site Domain with JavaScript Browsers try to prevent a range of malicious attacks by preventing content being accessed by a web page from a... 20 June 2016 12 min read