24 February 2017
24 February 2017

Serverless Architecture with Azure

Azure provides an ideal platform for hosting microservices because it offers a number of managed services that allow developers to create microservices that can run reliably and at scale. The problem is in understanding how these managed services can help and which is most suitable for the task. Christos Matskas provides a useful summary for anyone developing cloud-based applications.… Read more
04 July 2016
04 July 2016

Windows Containers and Docker

Windows Server 2016 features support for containers. These are not Linux-based, but containers that run on Windows and run Windows on the inside. These conform to the Open Container Initiative (OCI). They allow you to run applications insulated from the rest of the system, within portable containers that include everything an application needs to be fully functional. As they did with Linux, containers will change the nature of the software supply chain for Windows users.… Read more
11 February 2015
11 February 2015

Application Containers For Cloud Computing

Containers promise to make applications more portable and efficient. The technology, originally based on Linux's cgroups, provides a way of running several applications as modular, platform-agnostic packages in isolation on the same server. Docker's open-source approach to containers has dominated the market, and Microsoft is producing its own equivalent Windows system. What next? Will Containers replace VMS? Robert Sheldon investigates.… Read more
19 November 2014
19 November 2014

Data as a Service: The Next "As a Service" Wave?

There was a time that data seemed part of the application that maintained and used it. Now, there is increasing demand to deliver data through platform-agnostic open-standard APIs so it can be consumed in a variety of ways, whether refined, aggregated, or combined with additional information. Are we heading towards a shared understanding of applications as data-providers, feeding other services such as BI, or even in the right circumstances, publishing it?… Read more
27 August 2014
27 August 2014

The Community Cloud

The 'Community Cloud' sounds, on first impression, like marketing-speak for some untried novelty, but in fact it is already around, and working well for governments and healthcare in particular. Bob Sheldon investigates, and is encouraged to find groups of organisations who have cooperated to create secure and resilient cloud-based services.… Read more
13 January 2012
13 January 2012

Comparing IAAS and PAAS: A Developer’s Perspective

In the Cloud, services come in the form of Software (SaaS), Infrastructure (IaaS) and platform (PaaS). when moving a service to the cloud, IaaS and PaaS provide two different service models and provisioning steps of solutions. A PaaS providers has more responsibility for your solution than an IAAS provider. wherase an IaaS solutionmay offer more flexibility at lower level. Wely Lau explains.… Read more