Articles tagged ASP.NET

15 January 2015
15 January 2015

Revisiting Partial View Rendering in ASP.NET MVC

For any browser-based application, it makes sense to load into the web page just the content that is immediately required and avoid whole-page refreshes whenever possible. Ajax technology and JSON makes this partial-rendering easy. It is, however, worth considering ASP.NET's own partial-rendering techniques, returning HTML. It requires less client-logic and is quicker to implement.… Read more
16 December 2014
16 December 2014

Using Entity Framework with an Existing Database: User Interface

Pre-existing databases can pose some difficulties for software developers using an ORM. To demonstrate ways of circumventing them, Jon Smith builds an ASP.NET MVC application with Entity Framework (EF) to provide a user interface to Microsoft's AdventureWorks sample SQL database. He shares his design approach for displaying and updating this data with real examples from the test web application he built.… Read more
21 November 2014
21 November 2014

The JavaScript Overload and Micro Frameworks

You can achieve a lot with HTML5 and CSS, but only if you employ JavaScript libraries as well. It used to be possible to restrict down to one or two libraries, but nowadays, the pressure is on to do more with a web page with such features as touch gestures, dynamic DOM updates or CSS switches. Is there such a thing as too much Javascript? Are we near the limits of what we can do with this technology?… Read more
14 November 2014
14 November 2014

Getting Started with UI Test Automation

User Interface test automation is a tricky practice, and it's not always obvious what the benefits are. UI tests are an essential part of protecting your application's critical paths, and it's easy to start building them in the wrong way. Jim Holmes urges us to ask some pointed questions before we get started, and get start testing our UI the right way, for the right reasons.… Read more
07 October 2014
07 October 2014

Responsive Web Design: Relying on the Form-Factor

For visitors to get a good experience from your website irrespective of the device they use, you need to do more than just accommodate to the dimensions of the browser in pixels. To take it to the next level, you need to know about the device and its capabilities and characteristics. If we are facing ever-more diverse devices that can access the web, is it time to understand how to serve web-pages based on the 'form-factor'?… Read more
22 September 2014
22 September 2014

Responsive Web Design: The Downsides

Although Responsive Web Design (RWD) makes it possible to deliver design that is appropriate to a wide range in the dimensions of the browser-window, The designer cannot use RWD alone to adapt the UI to the actual device. It's not just the subtleties of the display device, but the way that the same volume of data must be sent to all devices; hardly suitable for an old smartphone with poor bandwidth.… Read more
26 August 2014
26 August 2014

Responsive Web Design: the Costs

Responsive Web Design is devised to help you render your website or web-based application appropriately on different sizes and aspect ratios of browser windows. Adopting it as a solution comes at a cost: It can't help to render a particular design on a specific device such as a model of smartphone. It also can require considerable refactoring of an existing site design, its navigation and testing. It has to be done right.… Read more
11 July 2014
11 July 2014

Caching: the Good, the Bad and the Hype

One of the more important aspects of the scalability of an ASP.NET site is caching. To do this effectively, one must understand the relative permanence and importance of the data that is presented to the user, and work out which of the four major aspects of caching should be used. There is always a compromise, but in most cases it is an easy compromise to make considering its effects in a heavily-loaded production system… Read more
19 May 2014
19 May 2014

Shouldn’t Your ASP.NET MVC Apps Support Localization?

An increasing number of applications are being designed to be configurable by the user to display content in a one of a number of alternative languages, currencies, date formats and other cultural aspects. It is better and easier to make such localization support intrinsic to the design rather than to retro-fit it. So what is the best way of doing so in ASP.NET MVC?… Read more
21 March 2014
21 March 2014

Social Login in ASP.NET MVC

It isn't every web application where one would want visitors to identify themselves via their Twitter, Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account. However, where it is essential to allow comments or other social interaction on your site, then ASP.NET MVC makes a 'social login' like this remarkably simple to do.… Read more
25 February 2014
25 February 2014

Mixing Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC

Just because you're using Web Forms, it doesn't mean that you are stuck in a technical time-warp. If you want to liven up a site with new features using Ajax and libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap or Knockout.JS, then you can always integrate a Web API layer into a Web Forms application. Dino Esposito shows how to give your Web Forms application a new lease of life.… Read more
16 December 2013
16 December 2013

ASP.NET MVC Paging with OData

It is natural for the user to want to browse through data within an application. Until recently, the interfaces with data sources have been ill-equipped to support this. OData, at last, takes the legwork away with some well-considered support for the paging of data, without imposing any particular conventions on the application. Dino explains how to use it.… Read more
31 October 2013
31 October 2013

Aspect-oriented Programming and Code Contracts in ASP.NET MVC

There are some aspects to application programming, such as logging, tracing, profiling, authentication and authorization that cut across the business objects. These are difficult to deal with in an object-oriented paradigm without resorting to code-injection, code-duplication or interdependencies. In ASP.NET MVC, you can use attributes in the form of action filters to provide a neater way of implementing these cross-cutting concerns.… Read more
21 October 2013
21 October 2013

Creating a Business Intelligence Dashboard with R and ASP.NET MVC: Part 3

By introducing R libraries into an ASP.NET MVC application, it is possible to broaden its analytical and visualization power immensely. To illustrate this, Sergei shows an example of how to use the R libraries Lattice and GoogleVis to detect poorly-performing product categories, the quantity sold and the profit from them, and estimate their demand over time.… Read more