Laerte Junior

Laerte Junior is a Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, focused on PowerShell and automation and, through through his technology blog and simple-talk articles, an an active member of the SQL Server and PowerShell community around the World. He is a skilled Principal Database Architect, Developer, and Administrator, specializing in SQL Server and PowerShell Programming and Automation. He also is PASS Virtual Chapter Mentor , Co-Lead of the PASS PowerShell Virtual Chapter and former PASS Regional Mentor for Brasil. In addition He is also a HUGE Star Wars Fan, his main skill. "May The Force be with us" You should follow him on Twitter as @LaerteSQLDBA

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18 October 2017
18 October 2017

Questions About Amazon Data Migration Service (AWS DMS) That You Were Too Shy to Ask

Can you imagine it? You are in a group of smart database people, and they are debating the finer points about AWS DMS, and you don't even know what the letters stand for. You just feel too shy to ask those basic questions that seem ridiculous once you're up to speed. Laerte Junior answers all the questions you need answers for when facing the prospect of getting familiar with Amazon's useful Database Migration Servic… Read more
13 September 2017
13 September 2017

Questions About RDS SQL Server That You Were Too Shy to Ask

There are a number of different ways that you can host SQL Server. RDS SQL Server, for example, uses SQL Server within AWS as a simple database service, much like a more versatile alternative to MySQL. Obviously, it is a compromise, in that you lose many of the extras beyond the database. Laerte Junior answers those questions about RDS that people seem to assume you know the answers to, but which you may be too shy to ask.… Read more
17 July 2017
17 July 2017

SQL Server High CPU: Investigating the Causes

Any DBA who is trying to find the cause of an intermittent problem such as SQL Server high CPU dreams of being able to use a query or procedure take a snap of the relevant variables at the point when the problem occurred. Laerte takes an example of a slow-running query hogging resources to show that you can capture the queries causing high CPU utilization when a WMI alert is fired, and save the results for later inspection, whenever it happens.… Read more
27 June 2017
27 June 2017

Automating the Synchronization of RDS SQL Server Agent Jobs in a Multi-AZ Environment

Although Azure is the obvious Cloud service to host SQL Server, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for SQL Server is a good choice when your organisation uses AWS. RDS deals with maintenance and monitoring, and supports the use of PowerShell to automate routine tasks. What if a script needs to be triggered by an unscheduled event? Even in this case, RDS can be configured to run scripts to react when something like a failover happens. Laerte Junior shows how easy it is to set up Lambda functions and some PowerShell scripts to automatically synchronise agent jobs after a failover.… Read more
30 June 2016
30 June 2016

Invoke-SqlCmd Just Got Better!

If you’ve read even just a few of my articles on Simple-Talk you know that I’m a big fan of PowerShell + SQL Server.  Over the years I have written a lot about how to collect data from your SQL Servers and store it somewhere, maybe in a database, maybe in a word document. Well … Read more
01 June 2016
01 June 2016

The PoSh DBA: Accessing SQL Server from PowerShell

The worst part for a DBA of getting started with PowerShell is often just figuring out the best way of working with SQL Server. The most suitable approach to accessing SQL Server depends on the sort of task you need to produce a script for. Laerte Junior aims at a simple guide to the most common approaches and when to use them.… Read more
07 March 2016
07 March 2016

The PoSh DBA: Assigning Data to Variables Via PowerShell Common Parameters

Sometimes, it is the small improvements in a language that can make a real difference. PowerShell is able to introduce extra common parameters that can be used by any Cmdlet or advanced function. When -PipelineVariable was introduced in V4, we all wondered what it could be used for. Laerte experimented and discovered that it could be a real convenience in every-day scripting with the pipeline.… Read more
04 December 2015
04 December 2015

The PoSh DBA – Using the Basic PowerShell Paradigms

PowerShell is like any computer language: you must understand the paradigms, the constructs, and the way it is designed to work to get the most value from it. It is no good just translating 'sausage-string' procedural algorithms. To demonstrate how PowerShell should be used as its' creators intended, Laerte Junior shows the difference between PowerShell problem-solving with, and without, PowerShell paradigms.… Read more
21 October 2015
21 October 2015

Automating Your SQL Server Best Practice Reports: The Document

If you're making a report from table-based data, an MS Word document is often a good option. In the second part of his introduction to SQL Server best-practice monitoring, Laerte Junior shows how to use PowerShell scripts to create a Word-based report with colour-coded alerts where there are problems or best practices aren't being followed.… Read more
06 October 2015
06 October 2015

Automating Your SQL Server Best Practice Reports:The Checks

A DBA in charge of a whole lot of databases and servers has to check regularly that there are no likelihood of problems. The task is well suited for automation as workload increases. Laerte Junior introduces a PowerShell-based reporting framework that aims to simply provide a Word-based report with colour-coded alerts where there are problems or best practices aren't being followed.… Read more
07 March 2014
07 March 2014

The PoSh DBA – Specifying and Gathering Performance Counters

If you are needing to keep tabs on a number of servers and applications in a Windows domain then performance counters provide the bedrock of information. It is important to identify the counters you need and gather baseline data to allow you to create alerts when abnormal conditions occur. When it comes to monitoring SQL Server, don't guess, collect.… Read more
10 December 2013
10 December 2013

The PoSH DBA – SQLPSX: SQL Server PowerShell Extensions

Every DBA needs to know about SQLPSX, the PowerShell module library that is built by DBAs for DBAs, and designed to provide intuitive functions around the SMO objects. It makes the automation of database administration easier across all versions of SQL Server since SQL Server 2000. Laerte Junior, who is one of the developers on the open-source project, describes how to use it.… Read more