Fabiano Amorim Complete Showplan Operators Fabiano Amorim has taken the time to really drill into the behavior of a small set of execution plan operators... 10 October 2011 2 min read
Fabiano Amorim ShowPlan Operator of the Week – Split, Sort, Collapse 'Split, Sort & Collapse' is, happily, not a description of the intrepid Fabiano after his epic series of articles about... 11 April 2011 19 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Merge Interval When Fabiano agreed to undertake the epic task of describing each showplan operator, none of us quite predicted the interesting... 11 January 2011 7 min read
Fabiano Amorim ShowPlan Operator of the Week – Merge Join Did you ever wonder how and why your indexes affect the performance of joins? Once you've read Fabiano's unforgettable explanation,... 22 November 2010 9 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – SORT Fabiano introduces another ShowPlan operator that is used to build a query plan, or perform an operation specified in the... 11 October 2010 5 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Stream Aggregate Fabiano continues his mission to explain the Query Optimiser in practical terms, describing, one week at a time, all the... 10 September 2010 9 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Row Count Spool The Row Count Spool operator is a simple component in an execution plan that can make an enormous difference to... 06 July 2010 5 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Lazy Spool Continuing to illuminate the depths of SQL Server's Query Optimizer, Fabiano shines a light on the sixth major Showplan Operator... 10 June 2010 9 min read
Fabiano Amorim Operator of the Week – Spools, Eager Spool For the fifth part of Fabiano's mission to describe the major Showplan Operators used by SQL Server's Query Optimiser, he... 20 May 2010 12 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – BookMark/Key Lookup Fabiano continues in his mission to describe the major Showplan Operators used by SQL Server's Query Optimiser. This week he... 07 May 2010 7 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Compute Scalar The third part of Fabiano's mission to describe the major Showplan Operators used by SQL Server's Query Optimiser continues with... 28 April 2010 6 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the Week – Concatenation Fabiano continues in his mission to describe, one week at a time, all the major Showplan Operators used by SQL... 22 April 2010 3 min read
Fabiano Amorim Showplan Operator of the week – Assert As part of his mission to explain the Query Optimiser in practical terms, Fabiano attempts the feat of describing, one... 14 April 2010 7 min read