Articles tagged Backup

28 February 2022
28 February 2022

Azure: Small Changes that Matter

I believe I’m not alone on this feeling: It seems like every time we use the Azure Portal some new feature appear. The features reproduce themselves faster than rabbits. Did you had this feeling before? Share your thoughts in the comments. This week, working with Azure, I found some new small features around and decided … Read more
09 November 2020
09 November 2020

DBA in training: Backups, SLAs, and restore strategies

There are a handful of options when backing up SQL Server databases. A DBA must understand the differences and come up with a plan that protects the organisation’s data. In this article, Pamela Mooney explains service level agreements, recovery models, and some strategies to ensure that the data can be restored quickly.… Read more
08 July 2015
08 July 2015

Why Virtual Private Catalog?

Recovery Manager (RMAN) is the preferred tool to backup and recover the Oracle Database. You can use recovery catalog or the control file of the target database for RMAN Repository, but Recovery Catalog is the preferred method as it offers several advantages over the others, like reporting operations, simple recovery in case of control file damage, and more. Generally in… Read more
26 June 2014
26 June 2014

Rollback and Recovery Troubleshooting; Challenges and Strategies

What happens if your database deployment goes awry? Do you restore from a backup or snapshot and lose all the data changes that have happened since then? Do you prepare rollback scripts to revert the changes whilst preserving the data? Do you branch by abstraction and toggle off the changes? Have you a blue-green deployment that can be switched? Do you quickly roll forward? … Read more
02 January 2014
02 January 2014

The SQL Server Sqliosim Utility

The sqliosim utility is provided with SQL Server to test the I/O stability and 'correctness' of a server. It doesn't measure performance but simulates the read, write, checkpoint, backup, sort, and read-ahead activities of a typical SQL Server instance under load. It is generally used before installing SQL Server in order to ensure that new hardware can handle your expected loads. Bob Sheldon explains.… Read more
30 January 2013
30 January 2013

Using Optimizer_WhatIF and StatsStream to Simulate a Production Environment

SQL Server's Query optimiser judges the best query plan from the data in the relevant tables and the server's hardware. How, then, can you investigate the query plans being generated for slow-running queries on a customer's production server when you can neither access the server, nor recreate the database from a backup?… Read more
20 November 2012
20 November 2012

Handling Backups for Rapid Resilience

The backup and restore system in SQL Server hasn't changed a great deal over the years despite a huge growth in the typical size of databases. When disaster strikes, and an important service is taken offline while a restore is performed, there is often time to reflect on whether it might be possible to design databases for a more rapid recovery of the most critical parts of a database application.… Read more
15 October 2012
15 October 2012

Designing Databases for Rapid Resilience

As the volume of data increases, DBAs need to plan more actively for rapid restores in the event of failure. For this, the intelligent use of filegroups is important, particularly when the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server offers the hope of online restores. How, though, should you arrange your data on the different filegroups? What happenens if the primary filegroup gets corrupted? Why backup and restore indexes?… Read more
26 March 2012
26 March 2012

SQL Backup and Restore

A DBA's tasks, from day-to-day, are rarely constant; with one exception: the need to ensure each and every day that any database in their charge can be restored and recovered, in the event of error of disaster. In this book, you'll discover how to perform each of these backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Red Gate's SQL Backup tool.… Read more
23 January 2012
23 January 2012

Confessions of a DBA: My worst mistake

Over the next few months, we'll be asking various well-known DBAs to describe their worst disaster caused by a mistake they made. To kick off the series, we asked Phil Factor to confess. He came up with a classic: The mistaken belief that a backup WITH CHECKSUM guaranteed a good backup that could be restored, and the ensuing disaster.… Read more
31 October 2011
31 October 2011

7 Preventable Backup Errors

The loss of a company's data is often enough to put the company out of business; and yet backup errors are generally avoidable with the application of common sense rather than deep technical knowledge. Grant digs into memories of his long experience of giving forum advice, to come up with the most easily preventable backup errors.… Read more