Women in Tech – where are you?

Culture and Organization

Development isn’t just a technical discipline – this article series covers the soft skills that help ensure a project goes smoothly.

Agile for Continuous Delivery

Agile and Continuous delivery should go hand in hand, but it's not always easy to turn good intentions into results. These articles examine how to move an organisation towards continuous delivery.

Database Lifecycle Management

This collection of articles covers Database Lifecycle Management - what you gain from moving your database to an automated release process, how to get there from static releases, and the challenges you will face along the way.


This Simple-Talk library links you to free articles from industry experts on the topics of DevOps and Continuous Delivery. Reading materials cover best practices and processes for moving towards more agile methods of database delivery. From improving database development practices, to automating the build and deployment of database changes and monitoring their impact in production, you will find a wealth of information to help you get started.