25 January 2012
25 January 2012

Dial in the scale: Amazon’s new DynamoDB

Dynamo is a fast and scalable proprietary key-value structured storage system that gives the features of both simple databases and distributed hash tables (DHTs), running on SSD storage to provide other Amazon services such as S3. It it not ACID-compliant ore relational but is great for doing analysis on large amounts of simple data… Read more
13 January 2012
13 January 2012

Comparing IAAS and PAAS: A Developer’s Perspective

In the Cloud, services come in the form of Software (SaaS), Infrastructure (IaaS) and platform (PaaS). when moving a service to the cloud, IaaS and PaaS provide two different service models and provisioning steps of solutions. A PaaS providers has more responsibility for your solution than an IAAS provider. wherase an IaaS solutionmay offer more flexibility at lower level. Wely Lau explains.… Read more