When you are developing an existing database, or demonstrating it, you nowadays need pseudonymised data, or even better, completely anonymized data. This data has to look right at first glance, and it needs to have the same distribution as the real data.
Although we are yet to tackle continuous variables with complicated distributions such as sales figures or dates, we can now generate words. This article is about using a finite-state Markov chain with stationary transition possibilities. You can use the technique to generate words, sentences, articles or entire books.
In our first attempt to do a markov-style obfuscation of words, we used an algorithm that was very iterative and was more useful for generating file-based lists of words than for SQL based pseudonymization. File-based lists are excellent for use with data masking, or data-generation, tools. However, if we are using SQL we have the additional resource of the markov table that we can use whenever we want. The advantage of this is that we can change the algorithm to apply to the markov table in order to generate different degrees of data obfuscation.
Before we go on to obfuscate other datatypes than words, we’ll take a bit of time to show how one might use Markov tables in order to pseudonymise tables in-place.
Let’s take, for example, the AdventureWorks person.person table: We want to be able to obfuscate it easily by means of :
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UPDATE AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person SET title=dbo.FakedStringFrom(@TitleMarkov), firstName=dbo.FakedStringFrom(@FirstnameMarkov), MiddleName=dbo.FakedStringFrom(@MiddlenameMarkov), LastName=dbo.FakedStringFrom(@LastnameMarkov) |
(No, I copied the database first!)
Before you get over-excited, it took twenty-eight seconds to do the 20,000 rows of the task. You’d do much faster with prepared tables of obfuscated words, or word collections in files used by a third-party tool, but it is a start.
Here was the same data before we pseudonymized it.
We check the distributions of the data before and after we make the changes, to make sure we haven’t altered it. Let’s first check on the distributions of customers’ lastnames before and after running our process.
And we can do the same with firstnames just to make sure we are matching the existing distributions
We are taking a slow-but-steady approach. We rewrite our code from the previous blog post that assembles the string; it now uses a view to get its random numbers, and we’ll speed it up slightly by putting a bit more intelligence into the markov table. We then put it in a slow User-defined Scalar function. We want a scalar function that isn’t schema verified and is not considered to be deterministic. The reason for this is that it has to be executed every row despite having the same parameter.
There are many ways to store the information permanently in a Markov table but we’ll be using Table-valued parameters for our function. I’ll show how they are generated from the original information in AdventureWorks, but they could be so easily fetched from a table of markov entries with each markov set identified by a name. This could be delivered to you by the production DBA so that you wouldn’t need any access to the production server.
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/* drop anything that uses the two types we need to create */ IF Object_Id('dbo.MarkovTableFrom', 'IF') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.MarkovTableFrom; GO IF EXISTS(SELECT Object_Id('dbo.FakedStringFrom')) DROP FUNCTION dbo.FakedStringFrom GO /* create the two types we will use as table-valued parameters */ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE types.name LIKE 'StringValue') DROP type StringValue /* Create a table type to store strings in. */ CREATE TYPE StringValue AS TABLE (String NVARCHAR(50) NOT null); GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE types.name LIKE 'Markov') DROP type dbo.Markov GO /* Create a table type to store Markov data in. */ /* Object: UserDefinedTableType dbo.Markov */ CREATE TYPE dbo.Markov AS TABLE ( trigraph NCHAR(3) NOT NULL, iteration TINYINT NOT NULL, frequency INT NOT NULL, totalInSet INT NOT NULL, runningTotal INT NOT NULL, TheOrder INT NOT NULL, Choices INT NOT NULL, TheEND BIT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (iteration ASC, trigraph ASC) WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ); GO /* Create a view to sneak into a function. Random numbers are detected and they are not allowed. */ DROP VIEW [dbo].[SingleRandomNumber] GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[SingleRandomNumber] AS SELECT RAND() as RandomNumber GO IF Object_Id('MarkovTableFrom') IS NOT NULL DROP function MarkovTableFrom GO CREATE FUNCTION MarkovTableFrom /** Summary: > in our table, we will take every three-character trigraph in the word sequence and calculate the frequency with which it appears in the collection passed to the routine. This is simple to do with a GROUP BY clause. The quickest way I've found of doing this is by a cross-join with a number table (I've used a VALUE table here to reduce dependencies). The result is then fed to a window expression that calculates the running total of the frequencies. You'll need this to generate the right distribution of three-character triads within the list of sample words This version of the Markov table has extra fields, more than is strictly necessary, in order to make it easier to do set-based operations using it. Author: Phil Factor Date: 10/07/2018 Database: PhilFactor Examples: - Select trigraph, iteration, frequency, runningTotal, theOrder, choices, TheEnd from dbo.MarkovTableFrom(@MyStringValues) Returns: > A Markov Table **/ (@SampleStrings StringValue READONLY) RETURNS TABLE --WITH ENCRYPTION|SCHEMABINDING, .. AS RETURN -- (trigraph, iteration, frequency ,runningTotal, theOrder, choices, TheEnd) ( With MarkovBasics AS ( SELECT Frequencies.trigraph, Frequencies.Iteration, Frequencies.frequency, Sum(Frequencies.frequency) OVER (PARTITION BY Frequencies.Iteration,Left(trigraph,2) ORDER BY Frequencies.frequency,trigraph) AS RunningTotal, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Substring(trigraph,1,2),iteration ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS TheOrder, 0 AS choices, CASE WHEN Left(trigraph,2) LIKE '%|%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS TheEnd, Sum(Frequencies.frequency) OVER (PARTITION BY Frequencies.Iteration,Left(trigraph,2) ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS totalInSet FROM ( SELECT Substring(' ' + Coalesce(String, '') + '|', f.iteration, 3) AS trigraph, f.iteration, Count(*) AS frequency FROM @SampleStrings AS p CROSS JOIN (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10), (11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20), (21),(22),(23),(24),(25),(26),(27),(28),(29),(30), (31),(32),(33),(34),(35),(36),(37),(38),(39),(40) ) f(iteration) WHERE Substring(' ' + Coalesce(String, '') + '|', f.iteration, 3) <> '' GROUP BY Substring(' ' + Coalesce(String, '') + '|', f.iteration, 3), f.iteration ) AS Frequencies(trigraph, Iteration, frequency) ) SELECT trigraph, f.iteration , frequency , runningTotal, totalInSet, theOrder,f.choices,TheEnd FROM MarkovBasics INNER JOIN ( --we add in the number of choices at any point and give each choice an id 1..n SELECT Count(*) AS choices, Substring(trigraph,1,2) AS leading ,iteration FROM MarkovBasics GROUP BY Substring(trigraph,1,2),iteration )f(choices, leading,iteration) on f.iteration=MarkovBasics.iteration AND f.leading=Substring(MarkovBasics.trigraph,1,2) ) go IF EXISTS(SELECT Object_Id('dbo.FakedStringFrom')) DROP FUNCTION dbo.FakedStringFrom GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FakedStringFrom /** Summary: > This function builds a string by random numbers from a Markov table passed to it via a TVP. Each time it is called, it gives a different string, and in this algorithm, the first three characters of each string are provided will fit the distribution of the words used to create the markov table. The following characters are chosen with equal probability just to increase the 'noise' of the word (you can tweak this) Author: Phil Factor Date: 10/07/2018 Database: PhilFactor Examples: - SELECT dbo.FakedStringFrom(@CountryMarkov) FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P; Returns: > A string **/ (@MarkovTable AS Markov readonly) RETURNS nvarchar(50) --WITH ENCRYPTION|SCHEMABINDING, ... AS BEGIN DECLARE @RowCount INT, @ii INT, @NewWord VARCHAR(50) = ' ', @done INT=1 DECLARE @EntireRange INT --for matching the sample distribution = (SELECT Sum(frequency) FROM @MarkovTable WHERE iteration = 3), @Random FLOAT = (SELECT TOP 1 randomnumber FROM SingleRandomNumber); DECLARE @MaxLength INT = 50; --now we can use markov chains to assemble the word SELECT @ii = 1, @RowCount = 1,@done=0; WHILE ((@ii < @MaxLength) AND (@RowCount > 0)) BEGIN --we can make our choice based on its distribution but --it tends to reproduce more of the real data and less made up SELECT @NewWord = @NewWord + Right(M.trigraph, 1) FROM @MarkovTable M WHERE iteration = @ii AND M.trigraph LIKE Right(@NewWord, 2) + '_' AND (@Random * M.totalInSet) BETWEEN (runningTotal- frequency) AND runningTotal; SELECT @random= randomnumber FROM SingleRandomNumber; SELECT @RowCount = @@RowCount, @ii = @ii + 1; END; return Replace(LTrim(@NewWord), '|', ''); END GO |
Now we can try it out, using AdventureWorks.
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/* Now, to test things out lets get some markov tables as TVPs. Firstly, lets get the firstnames from Adventureworks Person.Person.FirstName */ DECLARE @firstnameStrings StringValue,@FirstnameMarkov Markov; INSERT INTO @firstnameStrings (String) SELECT P.FirstName FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P; INSERT INTO @FirstnameMarkov (trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, TheOrder, Choices, TheEND) SELECT trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, theOrder, choices,TheEnd FROM dbo.MarkovTableFrom(@firstnameStrings); /* Now, lets get the Last Names from Adventureworks Person.Person.LastName */ DECLARE @LastNameStrings StringValue,@LastNameMarkov Markov; INSERT INTO @LastNameStrings(String) SELECT P.LastName FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P INSERT INTO @LastNameMarkov (trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, TheOrder, Choices, TheEND) SELECT trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, theOrder, choices,TheEnd FROM MarkovTableFrom(@LastNameStrings); /* OK, lets get the Middle Names from Adventureworks Person.Person.MiddleName */ DECLARE @MiddleNameStrings StringValue,@MiddleNameMarkov Markov; INSERT INTO @MiddleNameStrings(String) SELECT Coalesce(P.MiddleName,'') FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P INSERT INTO @MiddleNameMarkov (trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, TheOrder, Choices, TheEND) SELECT trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, theOrder, choices,TheEnd FROM MarkovTableFrom(@MiddleNameStrings); /* Lastly, we'll get the Titles from Adventureworks Person.Person.Title */ DECLARE @TitleStrings StringValue,@TitleMarkov Markov; INSERT INTO @TitleStrings(String) SELECT Coalesce(P.Title,'') FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P INSERT INTO @TitleMarkov (trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, TheOrder, Choices, TheEND) SELECT trigraph, iteration, frequency, totalInSet, runningTotal, theOrder, choices,TheEnd FROM MarkovTableFrom(@TitleStrings); SELECT dbo.FakedStringFrom(@FirstnameMarkov) AS Firstname, dbo.FakedStringFrom(@MiddlenameMarkov) AS Middlename, dbo.FakedStringFrom(@LastnameMarkov) AS lastname FROM AdventureWorks2016.Person.Person AS P |
Although this is fun, we need to move on to do more. You will want to try out what we’ve done on that modification date in AdventureWorks. If you do, you will see that it will produce dates that are legal, but our algorithm won’t produce the correct distribution. Even if we change the dbo.FakedStringFrom function to choose all the characters according to their statistical distribution it will fail to work convincingly with small samples. It needs a rather different technique. We’ll talk about that in the next blog in this series.
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